Chapter 5

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I woke up early in the morning again ready to see Chris when I entered the barn but he was not there so I went straight to Sugar and started to brush her down then muck out her stall. At 4am I went back to the main hall and checked to see if we were doing anything amazing today. We were going to the lagoon behind the school! I ran up stairs and told the girls. By the time I had told them all it was time for breakfast.
"Hello everybody, today we are going to the lagoon! Yay!, Now girls you don't have to wear shorts or rash shirts of you don't want to but you can. Boys same goes for you except you have to wear shorts." Samantha said before we all went to get our breakfast. After breakfast everyone was told to go get changed into there togs. Celia was still mad at me so I had to get changed in the spare room that I stayed in last night. As I had just taken off my top and pants Chris came walking in.
"Wow Emma you really have to lock the door." He said with a smirk. I quickly tried hiding my body but it didn't work.
"Can you please leave?" I asked just as he sat on the bed.
"Nope I don't really feel like leaving until you tell me what's going on."
"No I'm never going to tell you because you wouldn't even care."
"I guess I will have to stay next to you until you do then. " He said looking at me in a very weird way.
"Umm, Chris are you okay there? You looked like you were in a day dream." I said with a little giggle. He went bright red. " Anyways if you will excuse me I need to go into the bathroom to finish getting changed because you are occupying this room." Chris just looked at me stupidly as I walked out of the room. I was almost there when Chris said to me.
"What is those things on your thighs and your stomach?" he was talking about my old scars.
"Look Chris I will tell you later since you are so clingy just please let me get changed, alone. " Chris nodded and then walked out of the room. I sighed and then finished getting changed into my togs and then I pulled on my shorts and rash top to cover unwanted things. The time at the lagoon was awesome we spent the whole day swimming and everyone get heaps closer except me. I stayed in the water but no one really talked to me. We came home around 8pm so I decided to sleep in the paddock with Sugar so I gathered my things and went straight to sleep. I woke up with something touching me and I screamed it was not a horse!
"Wow Emma very cute!" Chris said with a laugh. " You said you were going to tell me so what is the problem?"
"Chris I don't even know. Like I know but I can't put it into words like yeah. You know?" I asked and he just looked at me blankly. I looked at the ground and pretended nothing happened. Then Chris started hugging me. I fell asleep on his shoulder last night hearing him say. "I know what you mean. " Over and over again. The next few days were boring until it got to the weekend. Especially now that I could trot! And gallop!

Yay so double update sorry it's late remember comment vote and follow

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