Chapter 11

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I woke up with cloud nuzzling me, I slowly stood up my body aching from sleeping on the hay bales. I stumbled out of her stall and stared to get the breakfast feed for the horses.
After I fed the horses I went out and decided to try to ride cloud. After she finished eating a grabbed a halter and put it around her head before leading her to the grooming station and putting her in cross ties and brushing her down and cleaning her hoofs. I changed the halter over to a bridle, with no bit, and started to lead her outside to the arena with the reins this is going to be a bumpy ride!
I mount up and then get thrown off 5 million times! My ass is so sore!! I staggered up from the hard hard ground and went over the cloud for the last time before I head into the barn. I mounted up and sat on her bare back and gave her a little kick to get her started. She slowly walked forward and then stopped and spun around and the first thing I saw was Samantha's mum chasing the horses with a whip and Sugar was getting hit the most! I kicked Cloud and hoped she wouldn't buck me off. She broke into a gallop and went straight towards Sugar, I jumped from horse to horse then charged Sugar towards Samantha's mum and made sure that she didn't hit her. I leapt off Sugar and landed on top of Samantha's mum.
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS??" I screamed holding her hands down.
"OH REALLY WELL IF YOU DONT WANT ME TO CALL THE HORSES OVER AND RUN ALL OVER YOU CAN I HAVE MY PHONE BACK!!" I yelled, she slowly took out my phone before giving it to me. I slowly let go of her and got back into Sugar. She ran out of the paddock and closed and locked all the doors and windows. I walked Sugar towards the hose and washed her down so I could see where the cuts were, luckily there was only a couple, I bandaged the cuts and then went to check the other horses while calling the police, this will all be sorted soon enough.

Sorry! I have had so much on my plate I promise to update every second day, so sorry that this is short.
If you want to

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