Chapter 10

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Yay double digits!
I woke up sore from sleeping on hay bales, I pulled out all the hay from my hair, I really did not need any horse eating my hair trying to get the hay. I pulled my clothes out of my suitcase and then got dressed, and then texted Celia.
Hey Celia how is it going up there? (E)
Hey Emma. It's good. (C)
I knew something wasn't right. She NEVER sent like that, unless she hated me.
Okay well I have to go clean some stalls and look after Sugar have fun with the guys, without me. (E)
Yay okay! (C)
Okay, that was really weird, they must all hate me now. I bet Samantha did something to ruin my friendship between Celia and I because we are inseparable. I sighed and walked off to the tack room and grabbed two halters and one lead rope. I was just about the exit the barn when I grabbed two apples and walked out to the paddock where Cloud and Sugar were grazing. sugar saw me and galloped up to eat the apple, I gave her the apple and put the halter and lead rope on before leading her over to the other horses, i unlatched the lead rope and took it over the the paddock where Cloud was in. I slowly came up to her not hiding the halter and lead rope and gave her the apple, she took it and ate it quickly but by the time she was finished eating I had the halter over her and and the lead rope attached, this ground was grazed to the MAX to I slowly took her over to a smaller paddock attached to a stall, lucky she followed when I had the rope loose otherwise I would have another problem. As soon as I got in the small paddock she ducked her head down and started to graze. I let go of the lead rope and left it attached, I would only be gone for a couple of minutes when I made the food. I put the food into the food bucket in the stall and then went back outside to take the halter and lead rope off. But I didn't need to she was already inside the stall eating before I could even blink. I took the lead rope and halter off and then left the stall door open to the paddock, I needed to work with the other horses. I took two horses at a time when I was moving them towards their stalls. The last was Sugar so I rode her bare back and put her in her stall. I had just finished sorting the hay when I sore Samantha's mum trying to get to Cloud, I ran over and jumped right in between Cloud and Samantha's mum just as a whip came down and hit me across the face. no one did that to a horse! I turned around to make sure Cloud was okay, I spun back around to see Samantha's mum running back into the house. I walked up the Cloud to get a closer look, everything was fine, luckily. I looked into her deep black eyes and saw what I thought looked like trust. I stayed with her for a good 2 hours before looking at my clock it was 10pm! I needed to get some sleep. I brought my hay bale and suitcase into Clouds stall and slept there that night, no ones going to hurt her! I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

Sorry for the late updates I have internals right now so I have to focus on them. They will be over tomorrow so I can write ever day from tomorrow onwards or Thursday onwards.
Thanks guys

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