- Chapter 9

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PS (not edited at all. sorry!) 

"Margo! Margo Jones you get down here right now!" My dad called again. Like he was actually going to do anything about it. He shouted again, "I'm sick of this -- you've stayed in your room for the entire weekend plus Monday. It's Tuesday, you are going to school!" 

I rolled my eyes, "I'm eighteen. It's a free country!" 

"Get your lazy behind out of bed this instant or i'm confiscating your phone and truck!" He threatened and I knew he wasn't kidding. I groaned and rolled off my bed, landing on the ground with a thud. Going to school, where I'll be hounded with questions, is not something i'd like to do. 

I hopped in the shower and then blow dried my hair half way -- it can air dry on my way to school. Taking my time, I slipped on skinny jeans with a pre-ripped hole in the knee and my blue plaid button up long-sleeved top over a navy blue cami. 

 "Come on, I'm sure you're already late!" He called down and I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I groaned and slumped down the stairs, my converse leaving loud thumps behind. 

"No time for breakfast hunny bun -- school! Now, go!" And he shoved me out the door. 

I slid tiredly into my truck and drove a normal speed to school. I got out and saw a few lingering students around the school. Yep, I was definitely late. I walked into the building and made my way to my locker, past some couple making out, jocks bullying a nerd, and a few goth people petting each other's new-colored hair. Just the usual.

I grabbed my books out of my locker and dragged myself to class. I handed the teacher my tardy slip, absence pass, and then sat down in the back next to Daniel. 

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes. 

"If one more person asks me a question or even talks to me, I'll be forced to rip their throat out," I growled and Daniel nodded. 

"Got it, bad mood." He said and turned to the board. I pulled out my notebook and doodled on the edges, creating a surprisingly detailed and good vine. 

The bell rang and I trudged to my next class while Dan leaped ahead. I could feel people staring at me, watching every move, whispering, gossiping. I just wanted it all to stop. 

"Did anyone tell her?" I heard going through the school. Curiousity filled me. Did anyone tell her what? 

I listened in on a few girls' conversation as I got some things from my locker. 

"Do you think anyone told her?" Girl 1 asked. 

"Probably, I mean it has to do with her, doesn't it?" a second girl answered. 

A third girl came in, "Please, no one would tell her -- she's a worthless piece of trash that everyone hates. Now get over yourselves, she's not a Cosmo magazine." 

She walked off and the second spoke up again, "When can I punch her?" 

"When pigs fly, Chels," The first responded and they walked away. 

Well that was an interestingly pointless conversation I had just wasted listening to. Just then, the realization I was going to science hit me. I was nervous and scared. I was a nervous wreck. But, there was something in me that comforted me -- knowing that Wesley will be there. 

I walked into the room and sat down next to Daniel, "What's going on around here?" 

"What do you mean?" He asked with a horrible fake laugh. 

"You're hiding something," I stated. 

"What are you talking about? I don't hide things from you, you're my best friend! Why would I hide from you? Oops, I mean hide things from-" He rambled and I cut him off. 

"Shut up and talk," I threaten and he looks down. 

"Alpha Wesley hasn't been seen scince the night of the ball. He ran off somewhere after he dropped you off and no one has seen him since. We're all thinking he's dead, but the queen bee is taking over. Saying she knows he's still alive because he's her mate. It's a pretty confusing drama. Maybe you could turn it into a sitcom!" He ranted, giving me extended details. I drowned him out and stared at my pen. 

The door burst open and everyone gasped. I looked up and right into the eyes of Wesley. 

Either Daniel was lying, or Wesley gets news that I'm here at school fast. 

He walked in and sat down in his usual seat, across the aisle from me. And I liked it that way, close with a respectable distance. It was perfect. 

I could feel him watching me, and I squirmed in my seat. Finally, the bell rang and I walked out. But two strong arms pulled me and I was then dragged outside, around many unknown objects, until I sensed the woods around us. My eyes were uncovered, and I whipped around with my hand up, smacking Wesley right across the face. 

"You deserved that," I pouted and he looked me in the eye. 

"Are you alright?" He simply asked, ignoring the red petite handprint on his cheek. 

"Just fantastic. Now if you'll excuse me, I have class to go to," I started to turn around but he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. 

"But I never got to tell you..." He dragged on.

"Tell me what?" I asked, somewhat out of breath.

"This," He leaned in and kissed me.

A whole new person took over my mind, body, and feelings. I was kissing him back, tangling my hands in his hair. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt on top of the world when we kissed. And honestly, I didn't want it to end.

I pulled away, against my entire will.

He bent his neck, putting our foreheads together. We were both breathless and panting, and I was still tangled up in him.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," He whispered.

I smiled and shook my head, "Weirdo."

He chuckled, and tilted his head back. There was a low growl and I froze, while Wesley backed up against a tree and shoved me behind him. He glared at the large wolf in front of us. I just stood there, frozen in place.

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