- Chapter 19

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I woke up in the morning feeling strangely alone. I sighed as I realized it was Tuesday, and I had woken up two minutes before my alarm. Turning it off before it could ring, I went over to my closet and pulled out my outfit for the day. The events of last night played over in my head. 

"That movie is so cheesy," Wesley grumbled as the end credits scrolled by. I laughed and rolled my eyes. He loved it, I could tell. 

"Please," I told him, "You were almost crying when he didn't show up for her dance." 

He groaned, "But it's just so sad!" 

Distracted, he lifted me up bridal style and carried me up the steps and into a rec room. No surprise there, huh? I squealed when he dropped me on the couch, causing Wes to laugh. I threw a pillow and hit him square in the face, which made me crack up. 

"You shouldn't have done that," He sang threateningly and I cackled manically as I weaved through 'obstacles' in the room. As soon as he was across the room, I dove into a closet and nearly froze in place. Was this for real? Oh my gosh, it couldn't be. There was just no way... The door swung open, and he shouted, "Got ya!" 

His face paled as he realized what closet I was in. I started to laugh, rolling as I howled. This was just too good to be true. Wesley, a ballet dancer? The idea seemed impossible for me! He looked down at his feet with his cheeks turning a violet color. He mumbled under his breath, "Shut up..." 

I continued to laugh. 

He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder, "Come on, it's time to get you home. We've got school tomorrow." 

My laughter didn't fade until we were half way to my house. He walked me up to the front porch, and gave me a light kiss on the lips. I smiled, "See you tomorrow, Wesley," 

"I'll pick you up at 7:15," He told me and I nodded, walking into my still-empty house. It was dark, so I hurried to turn on a few lights. I sighed sadly, I hated sleeping in a house by myself. Against my will, I took a shower and went to sleep. Maybe I'd have something to look forward to tomorrow. 

Coming back to reality, I finally settled on a pair of miss me jeans with a light pink v-neck from victoria's secret. I wore a black cami tank top underneath and slipped on my matching pink converse. After fixing up my mostly straight hair by flat ironing it, I applied a little bit of mascara and lip gloss before grabbing my black fleece northface. 

I ate a bagel just in time before the door bell rang. Picking up my book bag, I rushed over to the door. My smile faltered a little when I found Daniel standing there. It picked right back up, though, "Danny!" 

I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a friendly yet cautious hug. I hadn't seen or heard from him in the three days since the 'battle', but I was still bummed out that it wasn't Wesley who was here. It was 7:18, too. 

"Glad to see you're doing okay, champ," He joked and gave me a small smile, "Wesley asked me if I could pick you up. He overslept and texted me last minute. He said he'd be there halfway into first period." 

Nodding, I climbed into the car with him and set my bag on the floor of the car, "So what have I missed at school?" 

"The humans are wondering where the people who didn't make it are. It's abnormal to them. A few teachers are wondering, too," He shrugs nonchalantly. Rolling my eyes, I still smile at his lame attempt at making this whole ordeal funny. 

I gasped as we pulled into the parking lot, as did Daniel. There was a fight, right in front of everyone. But who it was between was what surprised me the most. Hopping out, I didn't even grab my bag. The two boys were squaring off again, one with a black and blue eye and the other with a small bruise on his jawline. 

I stormed through the crowd surrounding them and marched straight up to Wesley. His eyes were glazed over with a foreign emotion as he looked to me. Anger was most likely evident across my face. He turned his head down a little, obviously he was starting to feel remorse. 

Justin spoke from behind, "Whipped much?" 

Wesley's head snapped up, and growled at him. I put my hand on his chest, giving him a look that said shut up right now

"Whipped!" Justin sang, and I flew around on my heel to face him. 

"Will you shut the hell up already!?" I screamed at him, shocking everyone to silence. I took a few strides closer to him as I spoke, "How about you leave him alone because we both know how this would end up if I let you two fight. So get out of here, now," I threaten him. Rolling his eyes, he gives Wesley one last glare before sauntering off into the woods. 

Walking back over to my mate, I did the last thing anyone would expect someone to do. I slapped him straight across the face.

"What were you thinking?" I hissed. 

"I wasn't?" He offered. Rolling my eyes, I walked back over to Daniel's car, who was sitting on the hood with an amused expression, to get my bag. Finally, I entered the school and ignored the looks everyone gave me. Some guys i passed fake-coughed 'slut', and I pulled my books closer to my chest. I stepped into first period, where everyone turned to stare at me. And I mean everyone. 

Yeah, even those weird people who have no idea about anything going on in the gossip world. Even they already knew what had happened over the weekend and this morning. This is just great. Please note, my high level of sarcasm. 

"Ms. Jones, where were you yesterday?" Our boring teacher spoke in his monotone voice. 

"Uh," I mumbled, "I-I wasn't really feeling well.." 

He nodded with pursed lips and set a paper on my desk, which I would have to make up. I quickly filled it out, turned it in, then continued to draw in my notebook as he lectured about some Viking group trying to take over part of England but they were defeated, but their conquerors were defeated by King William. Whatever -- it was really no big deal to me. 

Finally, the bell rang and I took my time as I made me way to science. Sitting down next to Daniel as usual, I averted my eyes as Wesley walked in. He sat across from me, and I could feel his eyes on me. When I didn't look at him, he sighed out of frustration. The teacher handed us make up work which I tucked away before Daniel and I started the experiment. 

Towards the end of class, a few girls sauntered over to Wesley, groping him really. 

"Why don't you and I, go test out some beds?" One of the girls said, which caught my attention. My heart began to hammer, my pulse racing. 

I heard a deep laugh, "In your dreams, hun. I'm committed to someone right now, and forever," He tored apart from them, walked over to me, and planted a firm kiss right on my lips. I kissed him back and he smiled against my lips. 

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" he whispers. I glance down at his bruise and shrug. 

"Maybe," Smirking I headed towards the door and he followed me. The girls groaned and I almost laughed out loud. Stopping at my locker, Wesley suddenly spun me around, pinning me up against the lockers. 

He kissed me cheek, "I am so so so so so so so so so so sorry, Margo. Just please, don't be mad at me. If it helps, he threw the first punch." He begged for my forgiveness. Sighing, I gave into the pressure of his puppy dog face. 

"Fine," I exaggerated. He smiled widely, "On one condition!" 

He nodded eagerly and I smiled, "Sit with me at lunch?" 

Smirking, he wrapped his arms around me, and mumbled into my ear, "I was already planning on it, sweets." 

I smiled at the affectionate nickname he gave me -- sweets. I don't know why, but for some reason I just loved that nickname. It's as if it were made for me. The two of us made our way to study hall, sat together, then headed off for lunch. Well, this was going to be interesting, huh? Explaining to everyone that Wes and I are mates. But then again, it isn't too hard to figure out, is it? 

What do I know about this stuff? Oh yeah, absolutely nothing. Well great, now I don't know what to expect. Focus, Margo! I scolded myself, why was my brain so weird! Sighing contently with Wesley's arm secured around my shoulder, I braced myself for whatever was about to come in lunch. 

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