- Chapter 6

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"Will she be waking up any time soon?" I could faintly hear my father ask. A females voice replied in a monotone voice.

"Symptoms show she should wake up within the hour. Come get us within ten minutes of her waking up." With that I heard the door click shut and my dad sit back down in a creaking, plastic, hospital chair.

A dull ache spread through my head, my temples throbbing slightly as I tried to wake myself up. I wanted to groan but I just couldn't. Soreness spread throughout my body. A mental groan came from my inner wolf.

What exactly had happened?

Suddenly, I heard my dad stand up and the stiff hospital bed dipped slightly as he sat on the edge of it. He took my hand in his and lightly kissed it, "Please wake up, angel. Margo I love you and I'd greatly appreciate it if you wake up before your worry-crazy mother shows up," he chuckled lightly.

My dad kissed my cheek and then left the room, probably going to get something to eat or to use the restroom. It was killing me being able to hear everything but not able to fully wake up and show them all I was alright.

The door opened again and my senses began to go haywire. His smell overwhelmed my wolf and I, and my wolf began to chant 'Mate' over and over again. How lucky of me, to be blessed by an Alpha's presence when I can't do a thing about what he might do to me. Just absolutely great.

I began to strain my brain, forcing my muscles to work. Finally, I got my arm to move over to the other, where I felt a wrap on my wrist. I could here Wesley just sat down, and he's obviously not paying attention to me.

After an agonizing minute, I was able to peel my eyelids open. I then found myself staring at a bland white ceiling. Wesley caught my eye, and soon I remembered what had happened.

I was running, running like crazy, when I ran into him and we went tumbling. I hit my head on the tree after I shifted back, which explains my massive headache. Oh god, did he see me naked? I then remembered I had out my clothes on as I hit my head and then blacked out.

Well don't I just have the worst of luck.

"Margo!" He exclaimed, looking up and finally realizing I'm awake and alive and well, "Oh my god, Margo I was so worried! I'm so sorry!"

"Wesley!" I cut him off. He shut up immediately, "Can you please just go get my dad?"

He nodded and scurried out of the room in search of my father. When the door opened, I started to say, "Hey, Dad," but stopped halfway into the first word.

"M-Mom?" I ask, stuttering.

She rushes to my side and envelopes me into a hug. I remain still until I decide to push her away. She frowns at me, "What is it, sweetie?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes and glared at her, "You can't just ship me off to dads house one minute and acts as if we're completely fine the next! It's not okay! I meant what I said the last time I saw you: I. Hate. You. Now please, get out, you're turning my headache into a migraine."

Tears welled up and she went to peck my cheek, but I pushed her away. A tear rolled down her face as she finally left my room. Did I feel guilty for what I just said to my own mother? Hell to the no.

My dad then walked in and gave me a weak smile, "I don't even want to know what you said to your mother. She just came out crying and screamed at me."

I shook my head, "She deserved it." He nodded and sat down.

"You feeling alright, kiddo?" He asked genuinely and I smiled.

Nodding, I told him, "Well I have a headache and some dull pain in my wrist but nothing major."

He smiles and nods, "Good."

Soon a doctor and a nurse came in and my dad was instructed to leave the room while they ran some tests. They pricked me with needles that I didn't even feel thanks to the werewolf genes.

Once my dad came back in, I grew curious, "Dad, why did you and mom split up? You're mates aren't you?"

He frowns slightly, "Well, I caught her cheating on me (which is where Maxwell came in), and I just couldn't believe it. I forgave her and she did it again, so we split. It hurt so bad though, really really bad."


"Because when you're away from your mate after the mating process is completed, it actually causes you physical pain being away from them."

"Oh.. Well what did it feel like to you when you found her?" I asked, wondering if he had a similar experience as me.

"Why so curious all of a sudden?" He asked in return, avoiding my question.

"I may have.. Found-my-mate," I said the last part in a mad rush but he heard me loud and clear.

His eyes bugged out and there was some anger and hurt behind his eyes. Behind those emotions though, I knew there was happiness and pride for the fact I had found my mate.

"Who is it?" He asked, his voice slightly strained.

I looked down, "Alpha Wesley."

"That's not bad at all! That's great news, actually!" He said, his face lighting up. I just shook my head.

"No, it's not, Dad. Every alpha reminds me of Darius. Dad, how am I supposed to love someone I'm terrified of?" I exclaim, a tear falling down my cheek.

My dad crouched down next to me and sighed happily, "Love is full of risks, Margo. You just have to trust him. He won't ever hurt you, I'm positive."

I just nod my head and remain silent as I wipe my face, freeing it of unwanted tears. I looked up as the door opened and saw Wesley standing sheepishly in the doorway.

Speak of the devil.

"Hey, Margo. Can we talk?" He asks and I nod. My dad takes this as his signal to go and Wesley sits in the chair next to my bed.

"Well?" I ask expectantly. He sighs and looks at his hands which are folded in his lap.

"I overheard you talking to your dad, about that Darius alpha. What exactly did you mean?" He asked me and my throat closes up. Oh, crap.


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