- Chapter 14

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The sound of chains clattering and the smell of blood woke me up. I peeled my eyes open and sat up, panicking. The room haunted me, with it's mocking smell and dark coldness. My mother lay next to me, thankfully still breathing. I looked over to the corner and began hyperventilating. To no avail, any attempt to calm my breathing failed. 

Footsteps snapped me out of my panic-induced daze. Darius walked in and smirked at me, mischief gleaming in his stone cold eyes. I involuntarily shivered. This one movement cause him to grin wide as if her were the cheshire cat. Another shiver traveled up my spine. 

My mother stirred awake, and sat up. She had no warning, no idea. All she had was my screaming, shrieking. My pathetic shouting and crying as I just sat there, and watched, bound by chains. Talk about deja vu. 

The scene played out in front of me in slow motion. Darius springing into action behind her. Him lifting her up by her hair. My own mother's screams blending in with mine. Then her silence, a thick line of blood pouring from her throat. My sobs echoed through the room as I hunched over. I didn't even care if he killed me right here anymore. 

He strutted over to me, scowling, "I recommend you shut up or it'll be your father next." 

I instantly stopped. He could do all he wants to me, but if he even laid a finger on my father, I'd rip his throat out with my bare human hands. He crouched down next to me but was stopped when one of his best fighters barged into the cell. 

"What!?" Darius barked at him.

He gasped for a breath, "Sir... Come...  Quick... Wolves... Everywhere... Attack..." 

I took it that he had been running and panicking, judging as how he wheezed out every word, panting like a dog. Giving me one last look, Darius left with him. I gulped and looked at my pale and limp mother. I sobbed. 

Crawling over to the corner, I slumped down on my knees and stroked my dead mother's hair. Her puddle of blood added to the stained red stone. A flashback of my brother's death flashed in front of my eyes. More tears fell. There were shouts from upstairs and outside the building. 

"-and whatever you do don't let them touch her, or your head will be in my hands. Understood?" I heard Darius threaten someone. I gulped, taking  it as I was the 'her' he was talking about. He then shouted to his wolves, "Ready positions!" Growls echoed. 

I hunched my shoulders and curled up into a ball. My tears fell freely and I let out ragged sobs and cries. This is all my fault. If I had never been born, my brother would be alive. My mother would be alive. I wouldn't have to had hurt my father by running away. And I wouldn't have had to endure this great pain and sadness. 

I stood up and attempted to look out the barred in window, but came up a good foot short. Letting a few more tears to fall, I turned to run towards the door. The chain was persistent, though, and yanked me back with a cold grip. I slammed into the unmerciful ground, tearing up. I pulled at my hair, tugged on the chain, clawed at my ankle. 

It did not good. 

So I did what no one, not even me, would expect someone like myself to do. I screamed

The shouting stopped and one voice stuck into my head. Warmth spread suddenly through me, even as three guards barged into my cell, coming at me. It worked

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