- Chapter 11

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"I'm going out," I told my dad, walking out of the front door. I strolled down the sidewalk, staring at the glimmering full moon above the town. I sighed, trying to clear my head of all the possible things that could happen. I heard footsteps behind me. Glancing back, I saw nothing. I shivered, pulled my jacket closer to my body, and continued to walk. Footsteps -- again. Still, no one was there. Shaking my head, I continued to walk. There was another strong gust of wind and I pulled my jacket even tighter around my body. The night was getting darker. 

Suddenly, a hand was clamped on my shoulder. I began to scream and spun around, but stopped when I saw who it was. 

"Jesus Justin, you scared the crap out of me," I sighed, "I thought you were someone else..." 

"Yeah. I haven't heard from him in a long time," He said flatly, looking up to the darkening sky. We took a turn into the woods and made our way to the clearing. 5:59 and the sun was already setting. God I hate fall and winter. The season is so cold, it reminds me of desolation and sadness. We walked into the clearing, where Wesley and his beta Adrian. Adrian was friends with Daniel and I, still is, but he's been busy with the beta job and all lately. No one really knows why Wesley picked Adrian. We stood across from them, and I was not about to leave Justin's side. I knew Wesley would have people surrounding us soon. 

"Don't trust me?" Justin asked as the smell of wolves surrounded us. 

"Not at all. And I don't like you either," Wesley stated. He looked at me, "Why are you still by his side?" 

The tone he used was icy and cruel, making me nearly jump and tremble. I closed my eyes, counted to five, and opened them back up. 

"If I move, you'll attack him." I stated simply/ 

He rolled his eyes, but I could tell that he was trying to form a new plan in his head. Some way to get me to move away from him. 

**I'm sorry, Angel.** He sent through the link to me and I only had enough time to look at him before he spoke in his alpha voice, "Margo, come." 

The demand registered, and my feet began to move forward -- but I stopped halfway. Don't ask me how, but I managed to disobey the alpha's orders. I was in the middle, exactly halfway between the two boys. 

Jack spoke up, "How old are you, rogue?" 

Justin replied, "!7, I'll be eighteen next month." 

Jack and Wesley were talking through the pack link -- I could tell. I broke in and listened to their conversation. 

Wesley: **Why not just kill him now?**

Adrian: **You want your mate to hate you for the rest of your life? Let him stay. We'll put him in the pack house.**

Wesley: **Hell no, if he's here, he's homeless**

**Excuse me** I barge in, **He'll be staying with me. My dad knows him and his family so he'll be staying with me. Now why not tell him the good news Wesley?** I practically growled at him.

Wesley sighed out loud and glanced at me, then looked back at Justin, "You are hereby permitted into the pack. You will be staying with the Jones' thanks to their generosity," he droned, then added, "Now go!" 

"I'll meet you there," Justin said, then turned and walked away. Adrian relieved the guarding wolves then left. I was about to leave when Wesley grabbed my arm. 

He grabbed my chin gently, "How'd you disobey me?" He asked huskily. 

I shrugged and pulled away from his grasp, "I really have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at school though." 

"Margo, wait!" He called, but I was already running, sprinting away. But he was faster, and caught up with me. I mentally groaned, I should've shifted, "Are you afraid of me?" 

I looked to the sky. 

"Margo, please answer me. This -- you running from me -- it's hurting me so bad," He whispers, while holding my wrists. 

"I can't," I whispered back while shaking my head tears coming out, "You'll just get hurt." 

"I'm already hurting. Please just let me help you," He begged me, tears spilling over his eyes too.

I shook my head, "I'm so sorry." 

I began to walk away.

"Margo, just one thing?" He called out. I stopped, "Don't be with him, please, just not him." I took a deep breath and continued walking. I didn't go straight home. I stopped at the edge of our property, and sat at the bottom of the tree. I stared up through the leaves, to the shining full moon.

Justin wasn't here yet, I could tell. I wiped my eyes and went in through the back. Dad was sitting at the dining room table staring at the wall. 

"Hey, dad" I said, and leaned against the wall frame. 

"Your mom called," He spoke quietly. 

"What'd she say?" I asked. 

"Nothing really. She just screamed, and screamed. Then Darius laughed. And now she's gone." He whispered, then took another swig of whiskey. 

I ran to the front, out the door, and crashed right into someone, causing both of us to fall on the ground. My knee was bleeding, but I didn't care. I was too busy sobbing. Justin lifted me onto his lap and rested my head on his chest. 

"Shh, it's going to be okay, Margo. What's wrong?" He cooed into my ear.

I let out a sniffle, and whispered quietly, "Your brother murdered my mom." 

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