- Chapter 3

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I received glares from every single plastic girl that sat at the same table as the queen bee. Even some random lower class kids gave me disapproving looks. I wondered if this day could get any worse.

"Hey, Go!" Daniel shouted, catching up to me. I glared at him for using my nickname but he just laughed at me.

"Will you give me a ride home?" He asks with his puppy dog face that was supposed to convince me. I laughed in his face.

"Sure, but that face just makes you look retarded," I tell him but he plays it off as if it wasn't his real puppy dog look.

I dropped him off at his small white house that was only a block away from mine. Once I pulled into my driveway, I could smell the presence of another wolf. My instincts went on full alert but I did my best I control them. Slowly and normally, I made my way up to the porch of my house and walked in. There, my dad sat and the dinner table talking to someone. Weird.

"Hey, Margo. I'll be done in a few minutes. Why don't you go upstairs and get started on some homework?" He says, stopping the other man from continuing in their deep and hushed conversation. I shrug and walk up the steps and into my room. Pulling out my laptop, I log onto Facebook and request Danny on it. Within two minutes he accepts, so I begin to chat with him.

We really only talked about what we had for homework. But as we conversed, I couldn't help but feel paranoid about the man downstairs. He and my father's conversation had looked pretty heated and important to me. What on earth had it been about?

Daniel said he had to go, logged off, and left me to face the background of my MacBook. I shut the laptop and began my homework. Fifty minutes later, I heard the front door open and close, as well as the sound of a car starting and pulling out of the extensive driveway. Finally, the strange man was gone. I finished the last of my homework and walked downstairs.

"Hey, dad," I say as he pulls out a microwaveable pizza. He hands it to me and I take it, immediately eating it within four minutes.

He stared at me. I shrugged, "What? I was hungry!" He just laughs and shakes his head, taking out another microwaveable pizza and eating it. As I sit across the table from him, curiosity gets the better of me, "Who was that man?" I ask.

Dad stops eat and swallows, "He's no one, just an old friend is all."

The way his voice nearly quivered at the mention of the man made my curiosity grow even more, and I was now wondering what kind of conspiracy this stranger was holding with the help of my father.

"So what were you talking about?" I ask casually, looking at him dead center in the eye. There was a small sweat bead trickling down his forehead and I knew he was about to lie. After all, I did have a weird power of being able to control someone from lying, telling the truth, and believing/not believing something. I'm basically the only one who has this ability.

"Just about politics," he laughs unsteadily, shaking me off. I tilt my head to the side and look at him. My eyes pierce through his and I find the truth. Once the conversation flits through my own brain, I nod and go back up to my room.

There, I begin to hyperventilate. My dad was trying to go against his own alpha. They were going to try and overcome his enforcing tone of voice. But I knew what would happen if the didn't obey his command. They'd be punished -- severely. I don't think I could stand losing another member of my family. The ones I will always love no matter what.

I go back downstairs with a sweatshirt on, "Hey dad? Don't do anything stupid like going against the alpha. I'll be taking a walk now, bye!"

His jaw was dropped in utter confusion and disbelief as I walked out the door, practically telling him I knew his plan. As I walked, I really didn't know where I was going. There was a path going through the woods on my right, so I decided to take it.

The scenery could literally make you cry, it was so glorious. There were birds flying and singing. Then, just like that, it stopped. There were growls and I looked ahead. There were five wolves fighting. It looked like three rogues and two from my new pack.

The three rogues attacked the smaller wolf all at once and the other wolf began to writhed in pain.

Of course, they're mates...

I quickly shift, not caring about the now torn clothes on the forest ground. I growl and the rogues freeze. They all climb off of the wolf and start stalking towards me. I narrow my now grey eyes and growl a warning growl. My paw is dug into the ground and I then swiftly kick it back. A predator who was just now meeting her prey.

The two wolves from my new pack easily take out two of the rogues. While the middle one still has its eyes trained on my. I bark/ growl and the rogue lunges at me. I easily dodge under him and claw at his stomach. There an open gash now, and he's whimpering. I silence him by throwing him into a nearby tree. The two wolves already shifted back and the girl throws a pair of shorts and a t-shirt at my feet.

Quickly, I shift behind a tree and change into the clothes she gave me. As I step around, I recognize the two from my lunch table earlier.

"Margo?" The girl asks, shocked, "That was you!? But how? I mean, you're hair and fur, and..."

The boy cut her off, "Hey! You remember me as the awesome Adrian! And this is my mate, who you've met, Bella."

"Hey, Bella, Adrian," I smile and Bella hugs me.

"Thanks for the save," she whispers. I just smile and shake my head, glancing over at Adrian.

"I think I helped your mate more than you." She giggled and he just scowled at the ground. Adrian took the rogues, tied them up, and called the alpha.

"Yes, Alpha Wesley, they're all dead and tied up. Okay, we'll see you in a minute." He hangs up the phone. Within a precise minute, a truck pulls up. A guy gets out and helps Adrian load up the rogues. The alpha then steps out of the car and looks at me.

'Mate!'My wolf screams.

Oh, shit.

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