- Chapter 10

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The wolf drew closer to us, despite Wesley's constant growling. It's eyes were zeroed in on me, glaring hard, cold, murderous daggers right through my skull. 

I could smell that he was a rogue, but he had a trace of a pack on him. The pack scent hit with familiarity and I suddenly recognized the wolf. My ex-best-friend. Alpha Darius' younger brother, Justin was in wolf form, standing in front of Wesley and I. 

"Who are you and what do you want?" Wesley snarled at him. But Justin just continued to stare at me. 

His look was calculating, as if he was trying to figure something out. Like he was putting together a puzzle in his mind, by just staring at me. 

Wesley grew impatient, and barked in his deep alpha tone, "Shift!" 

The threat and malice in his voice caused me to jump and tremble. Justin backed into the woods, and moments later came back, sporting nothing but basketball shorts. 

"Hanging with an alpha yet again, Margo?" He inquired, tsking me. 

**You know him?** Wesley shouted mentally, through the pack link. 

I flinched, **Maybe?**

**Who is he?**

"Ask him yourself!" I spoke aloud, exasperated. 

"Who are you?" Wesley asked Justin gruffly.

Justin feigned, "I, am the King of all Rogues." 

I snorted and Wesley rolled his eyes, "Hysterical. Now how about you tell me who you really are?" 

"I'm Justin, from a few cities over. I believe you met my brother the other night..." He spoke, trailing off. 

"Cut the crap, who's your brother?" 

"You may know him as Darius," Justin said his name with disgust and hatred. 

Wesley growled, "Get off my territory. Now. Before I rip you into pieces." 

"Hold up, I come in peace. I just resigned as his Beta because I was tired of all his bull crap. So I need a new pack to join. And I've come to ask your merciful soul if you would allow me to join your pack," Justin spoke with sincerity. 

**Is he for real?** Wesley asked me and I stared at Justin. 

"Only one way to find out," I shrugged and walked up to him. 

"Checking to see if I'm telling the truth?" He asked, smirking. 

I rolled my eyes, "As usual." 

I looked into his brown, warm eyes and looked into the depths of his mind. I found that he wasn't lying, and he really did want to join our pack. 

"He's telling the truth," I told Wesley. 

He just nodded.

**How do you know him?** Wesley asked softly. 

**He was my best friend... Before everything with Darius happened.** I told him through the pack link, and he nodded. 

"You will come to this spot tonight at 6:00 sharp. I need to consult with my Beta before I make any decisions," Wesley told Justin in his alpha voice. 

He nodded curtly, "I'll be here," and walked back off into the woods. 

"I'm coming," I told Wesley. 

"Like hell you are," He exclaimed and I slapped him upside the head. 

"I'm coming to make sure there's no killing and that only the truth is told. Now, whether you like it or not, I'm coming," I told him, then walked off. As I walked back into school, the lunch bell rang and I met up with Daniel. 

"You won't believe who I just ran into.." I muttered to him. 

"Try me," He said, half smiling and half smirking. 

"Justin." I stated and he choked on his water. 

"He's insane!" Danny shouted. 

I rolled my eyes, "He has a meeting with Wesley tonight to see if he can join the pack." 

"You're not going, are you?" He asked and I shrugged. 

"I might be attending, if that's what you're inquiring..." I trailed off. 

"You're a madwoman, Margo Jones," He said shaking his head. 

I smiled, "Thanks, I think I get it from you." 

He laughed and popped a fry in his mouth. I stabbed my salad and ate it. All that was on my mind right now was tonight and what was going to happen. I couldn't help but feel a slight anxiety about Justin joining the pack. 

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