- Chapter 17

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Darius smiled mischievously as he walked over to me, his knife dripping red fresh blood. I glanced over across the room and saw my mother's limp body, her neck oozing blood. I shuddered. That one glance was all it took though. One quick look away from him. 

He was suddenly on top of my, trying to force himself upon me. I screamed in resistance. He slapped me. I spit at him, and he glared, pulling out his blood stained knife. I screamed as he dug the knife into my arm. He sketched a pattern, painted with blood, drawn by a knife. 

He stood up and spit on my arm, making at burn. He threw the knife down next to my arm and I looked over. My stomach dropped and more tears poured out of my eyes. He had carved it into my arm. He had carved Mine. I sobbed, cradling my arm. I soon grew faint due to loss of blood. I heard footsteps before I had finally blacked out. 

I bolted upright from the bed, my heart racing a thousand miles a minute. I was sweating, and there were still tears coming from my eyes. My throat hurt and I realized I had been screaming. I could feel my rapid pulse all throughout my body. I sniffed, my nose feeling runny. I frantically scanned my arms, checking for scars, but found none. My door burst open and I jumped. Wesley stood there, in only jeans and no short. Worry was evident across his face as he looked around my room frantically. 

Finally, he shut the door as his eyes settled on me. Sadness crossed over his face as he sat on the bed and pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him. I buried my head into the crook of his neck as he rubbed my back comfortingly. 

"Shh, it's okay, it's just a dream," He cooed into my ear, attempting to settle me down. It worked a little, but I knew the first half with my mom was real. 

I shook my head slightly, "It was a nightmare." 

He sighed sadly and pulled me up into his lap. I pulled away to face him and he gave me a sad smile, "I'm so sorry you had to go through this, Margo." 

I just looked at him in response. For some reason, just sitting here with him made me feel better. Made me feel as if no one could hurt me anymore, like he was protecting me with his life. I felt safe around him. I felt as if I were home as long as I was with him. Wait, of course I feel this, he's my mate!

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I looked away from his eyes. 

"I'm fine," I muttered and he pulled me into his embrace again. 

"I know you're not," He mumbled into my ear and I crumbled into his arms. What is this boy doing to me?

We sat there for a good fifteen minuted like that. Him, rubbing my back soothingly while whispering into my ear every once in a while that things will get better with time. Me, protected and loved in his arms and out of harm's way. It felt like heaven in my heart. 

He untangled himself from me and stood up, "It's late, you should get some rest." He pecked me on the cheek and my heart drooped as he walked over towards me door. 

"Wait," I said and he stopped. "Could you stay?" I asked, my voice cracking. He gave me a small smile and walked back over to me. 

"Of course," He laid down next to me, and I curled up into him with his arms around me protectively. I smiled as I snuggled deeper into him, feeling warmth consume me. Sleep and fatigue overcame me as I fell asleep. The soothing feeling of his fingers running through my hair contributed as well. As I drifted off, I didn't miss him saying, "You're a beautiful girl, Margo, and I love you." 

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