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All of them get into an elevator and stop ar a room filled with computers in it. The place where they keep the vibranium. Klaw goes in and grabs one of the tubes. As he walks back to Ultron and the triplets Ultron says, "Upon this rock I will build my own church."

Klaw gives the vibranium to Ultron. Ultron takes a good look at it, flips it and says, "Vibranium."

He tosses it to Pietro while Klaw states, "You know , it came at a great cost."

He rubs the back of his neck and points to a brand while he continues, "It's worth billions."

Ultron chuckles a bit and puts some money on Klaw's account while saying, "Now so are you."

Klaw's phone start to continuously buzz as the money comes into his account, while Ultron just continues speaking.

"It's all your dummie holdings. Finance is so weird. But I always say 'Keep your friends rich and wait to find out which is which.'"

It was quiet for a couple of seconds as the triplets stood there not knowing what was the matter. Klaw suddenly mutters one word, "Stark"

The siblings and Ultron were confused as hell. "What?" Ultron asks.

Klaw repeats himself saying, "Tony Stark used to say that. Are you one of his?"

"What? I am not-."

He cuts himself off by grabbing Klaw by the arm and cutting it off. The man behind him lifts his gun up to shoot , but Jean beats him by using her powers to stop him.

Ultron faces Klaw still holding his arm and says, "I'm not. You think I am one of Stark's pupils? His hollow men? I mean look at me. Stark is nothing! "

Klaw staggers a bit and fearfully says, "Oh I'm sorry. I'm-oh! I'm sure that's gonna beokay. I'm sorry. It's just that I don't understand."

"Don't compare me to Stark! It's a thing with me. Stark is ... he is a sickness"

"Awww junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart."

A/n: Shoutout to : @AhsokaReyes
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If you all would be so nice to comment on MY questions as well.?.

Love you all

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