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Soooo this is not an update and Im really sorry for that.

I am honestly really busy with school, where at this point I cry myself to sleep at because of freaking homework and tests and that sort of shits.

And as I said before Im losing inspiration, so if you have any ideas for this book, just comment them.

Also I'm starting to get Ideas for other fanfics:

1) Teen Wolf (Scott Mccall)
2) Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski)
3) The Originals (Klaus Mikaelson)
4)The Vampire Diaries ( Stefan Salvatore)
5) The Vampire Diaries (Damon Salvatore)
6) 13 reasons why (Clay Jensen)
7) 13 reasons why (Justin Foley)
8) 13 reasons why (Hannah Baker (girlxgirl))
9) Tyler Posey
10) multifandom gif series

Comment which one you'd like, and if you have any ideas for it; go ahead and tell me!

Love you my angels 👼


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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