Round Glasses

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Tsukkishima pov~

"Tsukki! We have to hurry! It's almost time for practise!"a angles voice called out."Hold on yamaguchi, we still have 10 minutes." I grabbed my bag and started walking to practise with yamaguchi. Soon we were just outside the door of the volleyball Court. As I opened the door, a "watch out!" yelled out I think but I guess I wasn't paying much attention and got hit.My spectacles flew out since I haven't changed it into my sports version.and of course like I expected, it broke and now I can't see."Tsukki!are you okay?" "I'm fine yamaguchi." "omg tsukkishima I'm sorry I hit it too hard!" a blurry orange figure suddenly came into view. "Ugh it was u damn tangerine!" "Tsukki um your glasses are broken so how are you going to see?" yamaguchi ask me, tilting his head like a puppy. "yamaguchi I literally have my sports glasses so I'll just use it for now"
After practise
"Tsukki! Since there is no school tommorow, how about we got to the mall to get new glasses for you? Um sure I guess..." "yay! Oh we're already outside my house. See you tommorow Tsukki!" "see you." With that, yamaguchi walked back to his house, waving with that adorable-I MEAN NICE ya nice smile. ANYWAYS I better be getting home.
The next day
"Oh what about this one?" "it's too colourful I just want a plain one yamaguchi." We were at a optical shop (A/n itz call optical shop right?)
and yamaguchi has been helping me choose my glasses. I'll admit it's always fun to hangout with yamaguchi (unlike rooster and owl boy) "OMG TSUKKI WHAT ABOUT THIS?" "yamaguchi pls don't shout and what in the-" I was looking down at some glasses and turned around to see yamaguchi wearing a black round glasses. Omg it look so good on him. I think I'm gonna die from his cuteness. "Ya that look nice ill get it." "yay!" I guess what he did was unexpected but he suddenly kissed me.Of course me being very smart I kissed him back. He seemed to have been very shock so he pulled back. "why did u pull away?" "I-I didn't think you'll kiss me back and took me by surprise" "Well if it makes you feel better I didn't think you'll like me." "So... are we dating now?" "if that's what you want." I said with a smile. "Yamaguchi Tadashi, will you be my boyfriend?" "Of course Tsukki!" We then payed for my glasses and walked out of the shop holding hands, and now being lovers, lovers for life...
Bonus part

"OMG TSUKKISHIMA? IS THAT YOU?"said a loud tangerine "Omg can you shut up. My glasses just changed that's all." "damn whoever chose that for u must have bad taste."The king said with a smirk. "it was me... Is it that bad?" "yamaguchi said in a small voice." KING I WILL MURDER YOU! " So yes the king learn never to mess with me especially when it comes to my precious yamaguchi😌.

A/n yes very bad ending. So I know I have been writing fluff so far but I will be making angst soon I promise :) also I won't be writing for awhile cause my exams are coming so I'll prob won't update for a few weeks? But don't worry ill come back after my exams are over which is probably in May 😔

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