Love Card

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Atsushi x akutagawa fluff

High in the air, an ability user was staring down at the people of Yokohama. She stared on and found two boys looking as if they were arguing. She smiled. She had found her new targets.

"You see, I told you it was the other way." "Look, it's not my fault! The map said to go that way!" "Jinko, we are literally in a field of dandelions and a barn house. We are supposed to be on a mission that is in a warehouse." "At least we're not outside the city!" Suddenly, a card came flying straight towards the gap between them. It then landed on the ground. The card had a big heart and golden words 'Connect the lovers' "What the-" Suddenly there was a flash.
"It's an ability!" Before Akutagawa could reply with a snarky remark, the words on the card started to glow and golden chains decorated with hearts erupted out in a flash, wrapping both boys bodies together, both faces just inches away from each other. Before either of them could speak, they were dragged into the card. The ability user jumped down from the barn house. She smiled evily. Her two victims were about to have a rollercoaster of events happening to them.

In the card, it was like a tornado inside. They were spinning round and round until they suddenly landed in a hospital. "Where are we?" "Jinko, are you stupid? We're in a hospital." "I know but I've been to a few hospital thanks to Dazai-san but I- wait... why are you wearing that?" "What are you ta-" Akutagawa looked down to find himself not wearing his usual black clothing but instead wearing what looked like a nurse outfit, his Rashomon tied on his waist. Akutagawa cheeks turned slightly red. "You should look at yourself then." Atsushi looked down to find himself wearing a doctor's outfit.
"Well, at least I look professional!" "You fu-" "Ah, doctor Atsushi and nurse Akutagawa, still arguing like a married couple! Still a cute couple though!" "WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!" "But you guys literally make out almost all the time. It's either make out session or arguing like a cute married couple. Anyway, I have to go see my patient, bye!" With that, the anonymous doctor left. The two did not say anything, legs rooted to the ground, eyes widened and cheeks flushed. "Um, so... should we get out of here?" "I think that's the best thing you ever said. Ever."

The two then walked out of the hospital. Suddenly, a girl bumped into Atsushi. The girl had many golden hearts chains around her, her pupils were shaped like hearts, her two hands were tattooed with a card with a heart in the middle and she had a devilish smile on her face. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" "Wait...Jinko, don't you recognise the chains?" "Wait a minute. Hey! You're that ability user!" "Bye bye!" "Wai-"
The girl snapped her fingers. Immediately, the chains around her zoomed away from her and raced to grab the two male. However, Akutagawa was quick to respond and put on his rashoumon to unleash his ability. He cut through most of the chains that were about to grab him and yanked the last chain up. However, it resulted the other boy to fly up and somehow land on the black hair with white tip boy. "Jinko! Get off me." "Sorry."

The tiger boy stood up, turning to see the girl still a hostage to Akutagawa's ability. "Remove your ability and return us back to our world, girl." Akutagawa says, eyes piercing into the girl's eyes. "I can't if your ability is literally holding me down." the girl replied, glaring right back at Akutagawa. Akutagawa clenched his fist. "How do I know if your just planning to escape?" "I'm not. You can trust me." "Akutagawa, just do it." "Don't order me around, Jinko." Akutagwa was wary and was very suspicious of the girl. But he wanted to go back to his world and not stay at whatever this place was. Akutagawa reluctantly released the girl.
"Thank you but in order to get back to the real world, you must kiss. There is no other way." The girl said with hesitation, knowing that the two men will not like the way to go back to the real world.

"WHAT?!" "Yes, it's the only way. I can go back just fine on my own, but you two have to do it." "No way am I kissing him!" Akutagawa shouts, backing away from the white hair boy. "Do you want to go back or not, Akutagawa?" "Because I was waiting for my chance." "What are yo-" Akutagawa says before getting silenced by a pair of lips that pressed onto his own. His eyes widened, shocked by the fact that his enemy that he swore to kill, the person he secretly love, was kissing him.
Not wanting to miss this opportunity, he kissed the boy back with such enthusiasm. The two were absorbed in the heat of the moment, so absorbed that they did not realise that they were back in their world. However, they were not near the barnhouse, but instead right outside the detective armed agency office, where all the agency members, at that time, were eating a late dinner together on the first floor café. The first person who noticed the two was unexpectantly Kenji. His expression changed from 'My precious beefbowl' to 'Is that atsushi and Akutagawa from port mafia?'

He tapped on kyouko's shoulder, who was sitting next to him. "Is something the matter, kenji?" "Outside, atsushi and Akutagawa." Kyouko immediately looked outside over the cow lover's head. Her eyes widened, seeing the two boys still kissing. "What is so interesting outside, you two?" Yosano, who was sitting opposite kenji, saw the two young members looking outside instead of being invested in the other agency member conversations and was curious. She squinted outside and gasped at the sight.
"ENEMIES TO LOVERS!" Dazai suddenly shouts. "Leave them alone. All of you, especially you dazai." Kunikida says. "Oh, kunikida, are you jealous since you have no one?" "Dazai, please just choke on your food and die." "He tried that before. Didn't work out though." Ranpo says, munching on his chips and sweets. Back to the couple, they finally separated themselves from their kissing session and finally realised they were back in their world. "Um, sorry about that, Akutagawa."
"Kiss me again, jinko" "You really like to order people around, don't you?" "Shut up, stupid jinko." "Of course, sir." With that, they embraced each other, mouth close to mouth, not even aware that a certain group of people were looking at them. With that, the girl with the ability of love card smiled. Mission successfully accomplished!

A/n:hey guys so ill probably be ending this book soon but please go check out my other books for more beautiful stories and thank you for all the support, votes, readers and comments that I had gotten in thus book. 2.64k is my highest views yet from all my other stories published. I'll probably make one last story to end off this book so check it out when it publishes. See you in the next story!

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