Weak For You

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Atsushi x akutagawa angst 

Warning:major character death

       Young akutagawa was a very  mysterious man. He never smiled. He never laughed. He always had a straight poker face or a very angry frustrated expression. Nobody would ever thought of the so called dark and emo men would fall in love. But he did. A guy who was the total opposite of him. A white-hair men who either had a smile plastered to his face or a nervous look. A kind person that helps many people. Why, oh why, would akutagawa fall in love with his sworn enemy. A member of the detective agency and the person who got dazai's approval in a short amount of time while he had never gotten a single praise from dazai and was always called weak by him for so many years. Definitely his worst enemy.
         When dazai made him and atsushi work together,he could never understand why his heart will start to race. At first, he thought it was because maybe finally, he would get at least a praise for his hard work by dazai. But as time went by without a single praise given to akutagawa while atsushi was given a shower of praises and rewards by dazai,he found out he was so called 'in love'. You see, he went to gin for advice the day before. Akutagawa, after all, only trusted his sister with some of his secrets. When he told her his situation, she was looking as if her dream came true.
        "Ryu, do you know what is love?" Her words struck him. He never understood how people could fall in love so easily.
        "Love is having a companion to love. Completely opening up and sharing about feelings and life. Trusting each other and never betray them. It's the reason why you feel this way." If that was love, he would never want to fall in love. He knew that many people betray each other. He himself already experienced something like that so he knew the amount of pain it can cause to someone. But as time went by, he fell deeper and deeper in love. So deep until he could never focus on his missions. All he could ever think of was atsushi. All of his imaginations running wild. Oh how he wished it would all come true. Waking up with him at his side going on dates with him, kissing him under the moonlight. So much of this he wants. Unfortunately, reality wakes many up and reality would not let him get what he wants.
        One day, Atsushi and Akutagawa had just finished another mission. Dazai was again, waiting. Akutagawa didn't notice at all and was just staring at the white-hair weretiger. Seeing this, Dazai immediately thought of a plan to make Akutagawa jealous. "Yo, atsushi-kun! Good job again!" "Thank you, da-" He was cut off by a soft sensation on his lips. Atsushi eyes widened to find dazai kissing him. Atsushi tried to push him off but to no avail. Akutagawa whole world shattered. The man he love will never love him. He love someone else. Someone that he never actually liked so much. The heartbreak was immensely painful,so painful that he wanted to scream. Scream out all his pain. But he didn't want to be seen with these emotions in front of people. Especially atsushi and dazai.
        He fled. Ran as fast as he could. Away from this heartbreaking scene. Away from the pain as tears started to roll down his pale cheeks. He felt pathetic and weak all over again. Crying because of this. Because of his love for atsushi. He ran back to his apartment shared with gin. Gin, luckily, was not there. "Akutagawa!" A familiar voice rang out. A familiar voice that he, akutagawa, did not want to hear, to see. "What are you doing here, jinko?" "You just suddenly
ran off and I thought something bad happened so I followed you."       "Nothing is wrong. Now go back to your damn suicidal lover." "Look, me and dazai-san are not dating. Even so, why would you care?" "..."           "Akutagawa?" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, OKAY! U KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO JUST SEE YOU SMILE AND LAUGH WITH DAZAI-SAN? THE GUY WHO HURT ME BACK WHEN HE WAS IN THE PORT MAFIA? THE GUY WHO I RESPECTED DESPITE ALL THE PAIN I HAD TO ENDURE? AND JUST NOW! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN THAT WAS? AND YOU GUYS ARE NOT DATING IS SUCH A LIE! Just ease my pain now atsushi...just kill me...you always wanted to right...just do it the. DO IT! "
       "Akutagawa, I never wanted to kill  you, I don't like dazai-san in a        romantic way and no, I'm not lying. "
" FINE! I guess you leave me with no choice... ""What are you talking abou-" "Rashoumon!" Akutagawa suddenly summoned his ability, pointing it straight towards to his chest, his heart. "AKUTAGAWA! WHAT ARE YOU D-" "Goodbye Atsushi, I will always love you." "NO! RYU-" With that, the boy in black stabbed himself with his ability. Dazai was right. He was weak. Akutagawa ryunosuke was weak for Atsushi nakajima. The one and only person he would ever love.

A/n: hey guys, sorry for all the slow updates. I have been writing mostly in my notebook since I can't really use my phone anymore so it takes awhile for me to transfer it here. I hope you like this story and see you in the next short story!

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