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Black like my feelings.

I wake up and see myself on a bed.Rather big one."where am I?" I whisper. "In your room,fucking dumbass" I hear a voice..

I turn to my left to see Zack. "Oh.." I say
"Dont 'oh me,I had to wait for your ass to wake up. Why the fuck did you faint?".silence
I.."that word attacks me... I just.. it just makes me feel weak" I say "Oh for fucks sake it's just a word" He says angrily. "You annoy the living shit out of me" "I'm Sorry.." I say.

Im sorry..im useless. But...does any human have a use? No

He is useless. Right?

"Oh dont make me laugh princess~" he tells me than chuckles. "Now,what i want you to do,is ...GIVE ME A CUTE FACE AND GO FUCK YOURSELF" he says as he tries to cut me with his new scythe.


Fuck my fate.
I will escape my fate

Fight him.


I grab his scythe and dodge.

He growls.

I start to run the opposite direction
I need to get away.

I heard him behind me. He was so fast.

But not as fast as me.

I ran throw the forest,trying to lose him,but to no avail.

I decided to do a trick my mother taught me.

I slid and acted like i tripped he stopped and tried to attack me.

I tripped him and ran,then climbed a tree.

I was holding on to it tight

"Where did that bitch go?" I hear someone growl out angrily. I look to see Zack.I gulp.
He starts to sniff."i smell...i feel a presence.." he whispers. I start to sweat. "Oh...little kitty is climbing trees,too bad she has to get back down.." then i feel someone grab my ankle.
I hold my breath,as i feel down.

I hit my head on the wet grass."HAHAhhahahhaHhah" he starts to laugh. I stare blankly."I accept my fate" i say. Zack looks at me weirdly."what the fuck do you mean princess?" He says. "I accept the fact that you 
What me dead" he chuckles. "You are just trying to fucking make me believe you so you can distrac me and then run huh?" He starts to laugh maniacally. He stare at him with concern and confusion." No,i just accept the fact that you are here to end me,whats my use in this world anyway?Im just a waste of space. I will die anyway. Either is over age,accident,suicide murder.anything.this is life,im no diferent than other people." I say blankly. He stares at me surprised."hmm..you remind me of Rachel somehow,but that doll was desperate of her death." He whispers. I sigh. "I dont care if i die or not,what happens...happens." He sighs and turns to look at me. He goes down to my level and says."Lets make a deal princess.."

A/N ok,im so sorry im doing this story with this deal bullshit,i just dont have any other ideas,im so sorry omfg😭✨😵(not edited)

You left me behind ~isaac Foster(Zack)×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now