The walk👼🏻

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A/N I will post an update atleast once a week,i promise y'all,if i dont then i hate myself😭😃

I love you alll,tysm for all the reads and votes,im trying my best into making the best book possible(not in this category,everybook from wattpad is cool and unique in its own way<3)

Im doing it for best experience,
Hope you enjoy this chapter,byez.

Third P.O.V

it was a rainy night as Y/N was walking through the lonely streets. It was kinda scary but it seems that for Y/N it wasn't,she was walking as nothing other than air could touch her.

The Umbrella that was above her head,stopped the drip drops from making contact with her mostly dried hair.

She thought of Zack,does he hate her?Or does he love her?Neither does he know,but he does and that's what he doubts its true.

She then remembers the place she always would stay when horrible accidents or days struck.

A beautiful water fall,near Y/T(your town,or where you live to say it like that),grass aling with yellow flowers,even white.

Y/N loved that place,she wished she could visit it again,but,its night,maybe she would get lost.But how less did she care.She started to get near the forest.Neither she died neither she didn't.Atleast she would die no where near the man that had toyed with her.

Her brand new shoes were now dirty. She thought 'Maybe once i get to the lake..atleast i hope,i can sleep there,much better than hearing Zack and that hoe moan along with...him' that thought almost made her cry.Why can't Zack love her? They met..again,atleast just now a few days,she had fallen for him again,how can he be so manipulative? Y/N didn't cry,because she became duller and duller to every second thought,she slowly didnt care anymore,she only wanted peace,peace=happiness.

But sadly that cannot bsadly e really...accomplished. To say the least.

༺☈ყ/ɳ ρσѵ☈༻

I dug into the wet dirt,as i was near the lake,in front of it.

I put the Umbrella in the hole i made and dug it back in.

I lay on my back,trying to get under the Umbrella as much as possible,sadly,half of my body was..outside, in a sort of way.

I look at the small waves. I was just a lake,but it still had some waves,which made me somehow smile.

Then it hit me again,Zack,it was like a stab in the heart,i felt like he betrayed me,even tho...we made a deal. I dont want to be anyones toy,so i need to not face it,he hates liars anyways..So i dont really know how to hide it.

I'll keep my dull look on. Bingo.

I slowly close my eyes,as i fall into a deep slumber,still hearing the rain pouring even harder.

Guess the skye or even the clouds feel the pain that some of us feel,im not really good in geography,maybe im wrong maybe im not. Who knows.

⎘ᐕ Tomorrow ᐕ⎘~~

I open my eyes to see the same view from before.

Small waves.water.

I get up and..i was really wet,not to say it in the wrong way. The grab my Umbrella and head back to Zack and that..Bitch.

Oh fuck,he is gonna get so mad once i get back.

A/N Yep,uh,i think this is one of my longest updates,i hope you all liked it.


You left me behind ~isaac Foster(Zack)×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now