Runaway..with ME

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"You are coming with me" Zack told me.
Was he nuts?"GET AWAY FROM ME,I DON'T WANNA BE NEAR YOU" I scream angrily. He looked angry. "The deal" He simply says. "I DON'T CARE"I yelled. "Y/N you know I hate liars,right?" He says rapidly.
He grabs my hair and throws me out the window. I land on my ass. I quickly turn and runaway. Until he grabs my hair again. I fall backwards and hit his chest. He grabs my waist and hugs me. I felt flustered and confused,why would he hug me?

After all of this madness?

Something is.. Wrong

"Just shut the fuck up" He said. I feel something... Whatt?

Before I knew it.

I fell unconscious.

*a few later*

I feel like I'm under water.

I try to breathe throw my mouth but I couldn't. I open my eyes.

Why is everything so dark? What happened? What is happening?
I start to panic as I start to try to move around "now now sugar cube, stop fucking moving so fucking much, my ears hurt!" I start to calm down

I feel someone rip the duck tape of my mouth "WHERE AM I? WHO ARE YOU? " I scream Immediately after I feel air hit my mouth, that, to be honest, stings. I still cannot see anything.

He laughs Isterically. "What are you? A fucking grandma? This is the 2th time you forget about my shitty existence" Then it Hit me.

Zack. "Well, what do you expect? I can't see shit." I say in a annoyed tone. I feel him pull up the... Thing that kept my eyes like that?

I closed my eyes and adjusted to the light. I see him. He was very .. Dirty, and not in that sort of way, it's like he didn't take a bath for a whole year. "Our deal" he simply said. "I hate liars. I could've killed you, but this game is just too fun, it would be a shame if I just killed you" he said.

"I can kill myself, you know that? " I said.
"That's true. But If you do that. Believe me. I'll fucking do somethings to your rotten corpse, you will regret it"
That shit made me feel weirded out.

I decided to ignore his freaky speech and just try to stay calm. "Now, what? " i said. "You will finish this stupid deal you started,it's your fucking fault, you got yourself into this." he said. I mean, he's got a point.
"Ok, you got a point but I changed my mind, from example, whenever you changed your mind on your favorite color, you go from blue to grey, does that mean that you're lying to yourself? That's exactly whats happening right now. I changed my mind, And I don't want this anymore"

I decided to just update quickly because I'm going on a trip and I won't have any network for a while

You left me behind ~isaac Foster(Zack)×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now