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It was hard,hearing the disgusting moans every night,made me sick to my stomach.
They are so...disgusting
ALL I WANTED WAS PEACE,but,it's sad that ...it's nearly impossible

I need to talk to Zack,i will warn him,even if i die,look me in the eyes,do i give a fuck?No

Third pov###

The H/C haired girl walked to the bandaged man,who was looking out the window,a deal was a deal,but getting out of her property with other women isn't exactly part of the deal,right? It's just when they wanna do nasty things,do it somewhere else.

"What do you want doll?" Zack asks N/N. "Please,don't invite women over anymore,i can't sleep at night because of the sounds,it's traumatizing,just..go do it somewhere e-" Y/N feel a sting "it stings" the girl said in a whisper,then she realized,she got slapped once again. "DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK?YOU DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO PIECE OF SHIT,M-" ."shut up" Y/N says calmly,not in the mood for a fight."i don't care about your outbursts,i asked you one favor,not twice,but once,but i can make it twice. This is my property-" the girl continued only to be interrupted by the psychos laugh."AHhahHHhahaha" Zack laughed taunting Y/N in a unpleasant way. "LOOK BITCH,THIS MAY BE YOUR PROPERTY,BUT I HAVE THIS FUCKING SCYTHE, I CAN SLICE THAT THROAT OF YOURS" ."Zack,just do your things outside" at this point,Y/N anger was vibrating, clearly."No,now go away."

Y/N pov

You want me to go away?
Then i will.

I will as you please.

I go upstairs and think of something,maybe music? The taunting sounds will stop...because the music will be more heard in my ears

Yeah,i think it's  a good idea.

Even tho it hurts knowing Zack will never love me,i dont care,but i do,im..


Maybe i should take a shower.

A/N Im trying my best into updating every now and then,hope you enjoyed this chapter°°

You left me behind ~isaac Foster(Zack)×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now