our deal..

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"What...kind of deal?" I ask.

"To see if you really dont care.." he smiles. Not a genuine smile. A sadistic one."remember...i dont like liars,so im not one...this deal will not be broken,if it will be,then you will die..in a way you will suffer most" he continues than laughs.
"Okay..whats the deal?" I ask again
"There is no limit. Once you confirm you hd have fallen for me.. You will be mine,i can toy around with you,once you've had enough,you will still have to go throw more suffering. The deal..the theme of the deal is. If you dont fall for me,i will give you 10 seconds,to hide,and if i dont find you in less then one minute. You can leave. But if you do fall for me,you will be mine .forever."

This deal is kinda...stupid. i noted.

I..dont know how we will start,or-

"I will start off by being around you 24/7,since i have nothing else to do then killing." He chuckles."i will have lots of fun with a human like you...stupid" he laughs."Do you accept the deal?" .."remember,i dont like liars" his dark aura apeard as he says that.i hand out my hand."deal" we shake hands as he chuckles. I wasnt ready for this.

At all.

What is going to happen?

How will this happen?

I said to myself..i dont feel happiness. But.

Would i after this?

I mean he said...about suffering i think when he told me about me..falling for him in the deal.

Fuck this world.

A/N, hope this is good enough- ik Zack is disgusted by love and things like that,but in this story,at the beginning at least. He will be a man whore. Im sorry-

You left me behind ~isaac Foster(Zack)×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now