Ice Cream?

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Fundy took a deep breath in at the broken nether portol. Returning to this abandoned country was something Fundy wanted to do for a while now and he was finally here. He walked on the wooden path. It creaked under his heavy footsteps. The grass being overgrown reaching for the other side.
He laughed to himself about the creeper holes that they never filled up.  He looked around at the towers. He sighed at the castle that took way too long to finish but remembered how happy Eret was when he finished it. The foxes tail swiped the floor as he was the archway of the church of prime. Then... his shop...

Fundy walked inside of his shop his ear twitching as it squeaked. He looked at the dust that covered the table. Snow melting on the desk where they would sell their 'ice cream'. Fundy smiled remember when the two of them built it. They both tried to do different accents, they fought with Niki and Puffy over it and the tour he gave him beforehand. He started walking up the stairs. 

Ranboo wandered around the abandoned country.  Walking past Fundys "not a secret base here" seeing some of the letters collapsed onto the floor. Red covered the no longer growing grass from the egg vines. Punz's bee dome glass roof exploded the grass overgrown and leaning outside. The giant black walls had cracks going all the way down with some parts fallen onto the floor. He avoided all the sharp glass and rocks walking towards the prime path. He climbed up the transport system pole and noticed his ice cream shop. He grabbed his trident from the ender chest inside and flew onto the shop.

He dug inside dropping down. He coughed at all the dust not hearing someone opening and closing a door from downstairs. Ranboo looked around admiring everything. The walls were slightly faded but it still held everything up even with his weight. He started going down the stairs.

Memories flowed through the both of them. Their partner was right in front of them. Ones memories drastically different than the others.

Fundy remember the times they spent together having fun and making each other laugh. When they both drowned together in minecarts under the water. The tour he gave him. The pranks they pulled. The mining game they played pushing each other out the way in hopes to win accidentally pushing Ranboo In lava which they laughed at after. Fundy took a step forward.

Ranboo however had difficulty remembering things. But when he locked eyes with Fundy he remembered the day they fought. How red Fundys face got with anger. How he moved away to the antarctic to get away from it all. Including Fundy. One of his best friends. Well. Used to be. Ranboo took a step back.

"Ranboo." Fundy spoke and Ranboo immediately tried to break the glass and leave. Fundy pulled out his water bottle and threw water at him making him yelp. Ranboo wiped his hands on his clothes as Fundy approached.

"Please. Let's talk." Ranboo stood still. He didn't know what to do. If he stays Fundy will probably hurt him more but if he leaves its probably the same outcome. Fundy goes down the stairs Ranboo following slowly. His tail wrapping around his waist which he pried off not wanting to seem nervous. Fundy sat down at a table and gestured for Ranboo to do the same.

"So... how you been?" Fundy said in a high pitched voice. Ranboo was too shocked to say anything.

"Good answer. I've been swell meeting a few old friends like you on my adventure. I saw Antfrost with his boyfriend on the adventure. Nice to see him having blue eyes other than his weird gross red eyes." Fundy paused looking at Ranboo.

"Not that your red eye is weird or gross or anything like that its the weird egg thing not... I'll move on. Saw Tubbo and Tommy. They seem to be fine. Scars still cover their body's but not much we can do about that."

"How are you so calm?" Ranboo asked. Fundy sighed.

"I want to put everything behind us. I don't wanna think about all the damage this country done to all of us and I want to start a new." Fundy stood up and walked down the stairs. Ranboo got up and followed.

"Everyone is nice now. No ones mean. No ones fighting. Everyone's happy again. They weren't mean to me and if they were it was jokes. Some of them even let me stay the night with them." Fundy stopped in the middle and looked up at the enderman.

"They all want to meet up and I've given invitations to meet in this country in a few days. You were the last one who I couldn't find. I'm just lucky i caught you here." Ranboo grabbed his arm. Nails digging into the clothes barely touching his skin. His tail started frantically waving around behind him.

"I don't know Fundy. Meeting up with everyone after not speaking to them for years? And after all I did and probably stuff they don't even know about I'm sure they all hate me." Fundy pulled him into a hug. Ranboos tail froze as well as the rest of his body.

"I just want my partner back Ranboo. No one would hate you it happened years ago. Technoblade literally blew up a country and I saw him talking with Tommy and Tubbo often. He blew up the place I was raised and i forgive him." Fundy a dip in his hair. He looks up and realised Ranboo was crying.

"Im sorry..." Ranboo pulled back. Fundy got on his tip toes and wiped them away.

"Hey don't be doing that its not good for your skin." Ranboo looked at him. Fundy looked at his tear scars that seemed to get deeper.

"So do you think your gonna come?" Fundy asked his tail swaying in the air.

"Are you sure they won't hate me?" Ranboo asked.

"I don't." Fundy smiled.

"Fine." Fundy pulled him into a hug again.

"Thank you Ranboo." Fundy pulled back and Ranboo nodded. Fundy went behind the desk and opened the chest and pulled out two snowballs.

"Ice cream?" 

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