Mining Race

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Tommy looked around and noticed Sapnap near the community house he had a fun idea for a game and he needed three more people. Yes it was a scamming game but he wanted the most fun out of it as he could. Quickly he ran down the path making Sapnap jump as the taller blond stared down at him with eager stars in his eyes.

"Jesus christ child what!?" Sapnap took a step back.

"I need you and two others can you make that happen!?" Tommy shouted. Sapnap quickly nodded confused. "Yes! I'll send you where to meet us later!" Before he knew it Tommy left cheering and running back to his house. Sapnap sighed running a hand through his hair.

"Well... I do miss them." Sapnap smirked and ran into the forest. The sounds of birds and various other animals guided him towards a isolated home. He knew he didn't always hang out at kinoko kingdom. A house sat worn down and covered in a various amount of plants. He smiled opening the wooden door. The oak floor creaked as he tip toed through it. A blue light coming from one of the rooms got his attention. In front of him layed a brunette covered in a lime green blanket. Sapnap sighed walking over to him and caressed George's hair.

"Hes going to wake up soon." Sapnap smirked at the voice behind him. Of course he was with him. "I've been tracking his coma patterns and he should wake up in a few hours. What do you need him for?"

"Actually I need both of you." He turned around and locked eyes with the mask of Dream. "Tommy wants to play a game and I thought we haven't hung out in a while so..." Sapnap suddenly seemed nervous. He shouldn't be since they were his friends but he couldn't help it.

"Sure why not." The two looked down at George who was rubbing his eyes and smiling. "Oh come on don't look at me like that." Sapnap pulled him into a hug.

"Nice to know your not dead Gogy." Sapnap smiled into his shoulder.

"Jesus George your sleep pattern." Dream groaned and picked up a book and quil. "Now I need to change it again." George chuckled and apologized. Sapnap pulled away and sighed happily. George looked around his vaguely firmilar room.

"Alright you two get out while I freshen up and change." At that Sapnap laid on the bed and smirked.

"Go on." George rolled his eyes and pushed the two out of his room. Dream and Sapnap laughed as they relaxed on the floor.


Tommy sat below ground placing chests and wondering what he was missing.

"Alright I got the maxed out pics. Was there anything else?" A voice from behind him made Tommy jump. He looked up breathing heavily at the tall enderman behind him that held six pics.

"Uh you forgot me." Ranboo looked down at his shorter brunette friend.

"Its not my fault your legs are too short to keep up with me." Ranboo smiled as Tubbo glared up at him.

"Ugh get married again dickheads." Tommy snatched the pics out of Ranboos arms and placed him into a chest each. Tubbo rolled his eyes as Ranboo stammered. Tommy brought up his communicator and whispered to Sapnap his location. After a few minutes Tommy got a message.

Sapnap whispered: we're here where are you?

Tommyinnit whispered: down a hole. Gotta mlg >:)

Tommy snickered. After a few seconds the high pitched yell made Ranboo jump. Sapnap clutched and breathed out.

"Fucking hell I haven't done that in months!" Sapnap cracked his neck and walked next to Tommy. Tubbo looked back and a firmilar figure in all green dropped down. He adjusted his mask walking towards Sapnap.

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