Chapter 5

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Song: Make you mine by Public

Caden POV

She kissed me. My wolf howled in my head with so much happiness and need.

"Mark our mate. Mark my little fire-kitty." Abbu my wolf literally growled in my head.

"I can't she grew up here we have to woe her remember? Aryann said it is disrespectful in mortal realms to just grab the women and take her to the men's home. A crime." I told my wolf. I was trying so hard not to let him out.

"Goddess she's touching us everywhere. This is a fucking torture Caden. I want her so bad. Her arousal is driving me crazy. She's gonna be the death of us. I'm sure of it." He pants salivating at our gorgeous mate.

"I don't mind dying like this." I chuckled at his antics, all the while responding pervently at her touches.

My muscles quivered, breathes turned to pants. Goosebumps and flame flared everywhere she touched. Sparks flew and i earned a meowl like moan when I flipped our positions.

She was on my lap while ago on the hood of her car, yes I already know a lot about the mortal realm. It's been years that I have been jumping back and forth as the new guardian. Eversince Aryann and Creedos took over much greater responsibilities, They asked me to step up.

I was now hovering over her, her giggles and moans sent explosion of warmth and need with every fibre of my being.

"Goddess, oh Sukiya my goddess!! Her grinding and kisses isn't very helpful with my logical thinking." Abbu growled in my head. I felt my canines descend.

"My sweet kitten, we need to stop." I whispered while attacking her neck and shoulders.

"Why? She breathed while running her nails on my back.

"Because someone might see your body in this state and I don't want be our first to be here." I rasped. I kissed her again and pulled back.

"Besides you're intoxicated, I never want you to regret something when you wake up. Mating is eternity my sweet fire." I kissed her nose, her eyes and rained kisses in her jaw.

"But I don't want to stop." She whispered-moaned and tugged at my long wavy hair, wanting to be closer than ever. She's not making it easy to let go. Oh Goddess I'm doomed.

I chuckled and tried my hardest to pry myself from her perfect body. She has an angelic face and shapely body. How did I get so lucky?

She had an adorable pout when I got up and summoned magic to get myself clothed again in my travelling gears and weapons.

She squinted at me. I smirked and winked at her when she got up and crossed her arms. I trained my possessive eyes at her. She was wearing this very skimpy excuse of a clothing. I will make sure to burn those later. No one. I mean no one should see my queen in this trash again.

"I have to go, my brother will be worried sick of me." She got up in her wobbly feet.

"I'm sorry my sweet but you will have to come with me now. I will accompany you to him after two days when I am sure it is safe to come back." I assured her.

"You got it all wrong wolf boy. This should just be a night stand." She walked towards the driving seat.

I was hurt by her remarks. She didn't  acknowledge the mate bond or she's denying herself it exists.

"Kitty, we have to go the enemies will be here soon." I tried to explain though my heart was aching.

"I don't wanna be involved with you. I got other plans." She half turned to me, eyes cold as ice and her face was void of any emotions.

I touched her hand.

"How are you going to explain this?" I inquired as sparks flooded where our skin touched.

"You are made for me my sweet. Let's not go against fate." I met her eyes almost pleading and desperate.

"In my world, fate doesn't exist." She pried the door open. I was quick to push it back.

"I have been searching for you for Gods know how long. Don't expect me to let you go that easily." I gritted out. Abbu was this close to mark her then and then.

"So you expect me to come with a total stranger then?". Her eyes blazed and im sure mine is changing colors as well. Abbu was close to the surface.

"Very well then. What about a game? To prove to you that we are meant to be together." I challenged her.

"This should go our way she's drunk right." Abbu snickered on my head.

" Shut up, we don't have a choice". I rolled my eyes.

" Interesting, What do you propose we do wolf boy?" She fully faced me this time. Eyes wide with curiosity.

"Curiosity killed the cat. In this case my kitty cat." Abbu smiled.

" A duel. The first to draw blood wins. I allow usage of powers. I know you have it ah shan." I smiled at her.

"Fine, let's get it over with." She staggered in her stance, her hands started to ignite then comes the red flames.

I was stunned for a moment. It was beautiful and unique just like her. Tribal tattoes of flame appeared in her arms and her skin turned a light shade of chocolate. I licked my lips like I saw something so delectible.

"Yummy indeed." Abbu agreed.

Her hair shed the black wig and flowed like red waterfalls. I didn't miss her glowing amber eyes. My fire-cat indeed.

"Ready?" I asked lazily. My stance non chalant as I pick at my nails as of I'm bored.

"Wanna yawn for an added effect?" Abbu laughed but body taut ready to pounce ready to go for the kill.

I smirk.


She ran with a battle cry. Palms ready to strike.

In a blink of an eye. I pounced and did summersault to get behind her. Both her arms were caged in mine.

Eyes wide with shock when my lips devoured her mouth and used a slight force with my canines to draw a drop of blood from her lip.

"I win." I grinned ear to ear before pushing a pressure point on her neck. She fell in my arms unconscious.

I kissed her forehead.

"I will never let you go, my kitty."

"MINE!". Abbu growled.



Hello lovelies!!
It is good to be back.
I hope you are all doing well.
Always be safe.

Love you all,


Ah shan - my love

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