Chapter 4

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Song title: Where have you been by Rihanna


I had never seen my brother this worried before. He said I should get away as far away as possible. And my drunken state didn't help my situation. It's ten minutes to midnight I was screeching my way to the next alley when a huge furry figure jumped infront of my red mustang. I was forced to hit my breaks.

I heard snapping and growling not far from where I stood. I saw eight pairs of glowing red eyes and only one with bright green ones. They look like wolves which caused more confusion in my fuzzy head. There were no known species of wolves in this part of the world especially in the city.

I have no time for this I need to go away asap like my brother told me. I fired one warning shot upwards to get  the mutts moving so I can get going. The green eyed wolf looked at me as if saying 'what do you think you're doing?'

Well, helping you duhh. You're obviously outnumbered. The wolves didn't run but I think I pissed them off.  Three of them turned my way and stalked me like a prey. Circling, growling as if guaging my next move.

All hell broke loose and the wolves that fell turned into dust. Well that was something you don't see everyday. I wouldn't be surprised I myself was not a normal human girl.

I ran out of ammo after shooting two wolves dead. The green eyed fellow came bounding my way after he killed two himself. Very competitive I might say. He was larger than the red eyed ones and beautiful in his shiny fur black as starless night. I was distracted for a while when I smelled  him. Amber and spice. Addictive. What's happening to me?

That split moment of carelessness almost costed me my leg. Green eyes jumped at the attack and snapped the neck of the brown one. He barked at me saying 'focus bitch or we die'.

"Fine whatever, let's get this over with, I have somewhere else to go." We launched to the enemies same time and finished the task same time. Our eyes met and time stopped. He was walking towards me as he shook and I heard bones popping and cracking.

He morphed into a human. A very, very fine specimen of a man. Tall, ripped with a beautiful angelic face. Oh shit, what's happening to my heart. It's beating abnormally fast. This is not good. Must be the alcohol or whatever drug Erin put on my drink. Fucking snake of a friend.

I maintained my calm demeanor even my defenses crumbled on the inside when he smiled my way showing perfect set of teeth and a dimple each cheek. What the fuck is he smiling for? It should be a crime for a guy like this be this hot. And oh God I can not - not look down. He was gifted and it was distracting. I chanted 'don't look down' for countless of times.

I stood my ground when he stopped just a feet away from me and inhaled like he was deprived with oxygen for a long while. One thing my adoptive parents told me was to never show my emotions especially panic and fear. And right now I am in new definition of panic. This panic felt good and exciting. I would like to stick the word happy in it but I fear it would vanish instantly as it appeared.

He caressed my cheek lightly as if afraid I'd run (not a bad idea), he smelled so nice it's bad news. His eyes roamed my face as if memorizing every detail. I did the same. Gorgeous and dangerous. Deadly combination.

Thick brows, long lashes, aristocratic nose and his lips. Damn it. a perfect Cupid's bow like it was asking me to kiss the red softness like  there is no tomorrow. Unfairly beautiful like I already said.

"You're here." He took my hand and sat my palm on his heart. It was beating as fast as mine. Even his voice was angelic and sexy. He felt unreal but when I look up at him. I could feel the sincerity of his statement. I felt deep connection and it gave me so much fear I've never felt in my life. How can I feel this way for a total stranger.

He woke up the protective and possessive side of me I never knew existed. I wanted to keep him safe. To keep those twinkling eyes always sparkle. I sounded dumb and poetic but I could not find the exact words to describe what I felt. A desire I could never succumbed into.

I smiled and did something I would never do if I was sober. I kissed the naked hot stranger. I thought this was the last time our paths will cross. I have to go far. This is probably goodbye.

But he had another thing in mind.



Hey lovelies, here is another update for you. I hope you are all doing fine. This is a sequel of Aryann. If you liked that book surely you will love this one too. Anyway you can read this one on its own but some parts will make better sense if you finish the first book that i wrote. 

always be safe and thanks for stopping by.



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