Chapter 2

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I slipped in and out of consciousness. Someone was talking in a strange language I haven't heard before but somehow I could understand some of the words. Their hand was hovering  above my wounds, muttering gibberish like a prayer.

"Open your eyes Katarina. We have company. I need to move you." The dark figure spoke, in the same foreign language. I saw a young guy with the same reddish Amber eyes as mine. I pointed the bulletproof door that leads to the garage and then crocked "dad, wallet." Before I passed out again.

I woke up with a scream. I had a terrible dream my guardians died. I looked around disoriented. I was in a cabin with a stranger. He was comforting me and said I can't move around so much since I had fatal wounds on my stomach.

He said he couldn't stay long but handed me black chain necklace with a red crystal as pendant.

" Never take this off. I will speak with you through this and one more thing I locked your powers so they can't track you. For now, live." He fixed the necklace and touch my cheek. I feel strangely safe with him.

I saw sadness in his eyes but it vanished in an instant like it was never there. I just noticed he was wearing a different clothing, obviously out of this world. He looked like a warrior from a videogame I used to play. Tall, lean and muscular with plump lips. Hair black as night cascaded behind his back.

He had a scar on his forehead and neck. Intricate tattoos peaked from his leather armour. He had the same eyes as me like I remembered, big orbs of reddish Amber that speak volumes of danger. It made me shiver.

He sighed and stood up. " I will come and get you when I find the others."
He was about to open the door when I found my voice.

" I'm scared. All my life I've been alone. I can feel we're related somehow. Do you really have to leave me alone again." I sobbed. It was all too much. It felt like I wanted to die and kill someone all at the same time.

"Never shed a tear. You're a child of Neiru. A blood of a dragon. And I need you to stay alive that's why I can't bring you with me in that state." He met my eyes and squeezed my shoulder.

He left. After telling me he's my brother and gave me a pouch which contains diamonds of different sizes and colors. I used the fortune to start over in the other side of the world. I changed my identity, my hair, my wardrobe, and used contacts for my eyes. He would appear in a hologram from the crystal every week. Little by little I was getting to know more about my origin, about how our real parents died, about him and his mission.

I had to do my part. I had to survive. I already had clear goals I needed to pursue in this life. First, I had to exact my revenge for my adoptive parents while I was still here on the human world. Second, to help my brother in his mission.

It was never easy at first. I never stopped training to improve my skills as an assassin. The rage and hate for my parents' killers were my motivation everyday, both biological and adoptive, met the same faith. It pained me like no other.

I went to university like a normal girl in the day and trained till I drop at night. I couldn't risk contacting anyone in the league for I was still searching for the rat.

Nobody knew I survived. Kros, my brother, told me he had to burn everything to erase any trace that I survived.

I finally found myself a friend. She may not know about the double life I was living but I trusted her enough when she urged me to live like normal woman. Dating, parties and shopping you name it. I sometimes envied her sheltered life clueless of how cruel the world could get. Erin approached me after cheerleading practice, her contagious smile got me cracking my own for the first time in long time.

"Nothing will keep us apart." She promised. I almost believed her.

Until, HE came.


Hello lovelies!
Here's the another update I hope you're enjoying yourself so far.

"This girl is on fiiire!!"
Lol. I was just trying how Alicia Keys belted this awesome, awesome song. Don't mind me. Anyway I'm still thinking about the faces I'd plaster for my characters.

Be safe everyone. Protect your immune system and stay happy always.

Lots of love,


Katarina: Kitty With A GunWhere stories live. Discover now