Chapter 1

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I carefully sat on my favorite rocking chair, a thick album cradled on my chest and a tall mug of coffee I sneakily snucked out of the kitchen without my husband knowing. He didn't want me to drink so much coffee since I was pregnant of our twins. I smiled, caressing my 9th month baby bump. Looking back 2 years ago I couldn't imagine I'd be married and would start a happy family.

I've had it rough in life growing from foster care at such a young age. Nobody really wanted me I only lasted for at least 4 months, Before the families discovered I had the ability to create fire out of thin air. It scared them and eventually returned me. Everything changed when I was fifteen. When a mysterious couple insisted to get me apart from the other younger kids.

They pulled up in a black SUV, obviously very well off with expensive suits and Italian shoes. I never wanted to get my hopes up when I first talked to them but I actually did, I was just a kid, hoping to meet caring parents and siblings if I was lucky. Longing for some attention and acceptance despite my strange ability.

I opened the album. Tears pricked my eyes when I saw the picture of the couple. Caroline and James or Mom and Dad as they insisted I call them. As I touch their smiling faces in the photo, I remembered this fateful day when they finally showed me they are elementals too.

Eight months had passed since I went home with them. They told me their line of job, who they work for and since they couldn't conceive their own child they looked for someone with the same ability as them. And they found me.

I finally found a place I thought I could fit in. To let my guard down, and let go of the fire that seem to brew in my very veins, to never get scared that people would freak out when I light up a candle with a fingertip.

They treated me so well I wished I met them sooner. For I only had a very short time to be with them, before someone in their league got them killed. I was their protege. Three years felt like a week. I was training with them. Enhancing my power so I can be like them. We had luxury vacations after every mission they accomplished.

They were assassins. And they were only killing people who didn't deserve to live. "Cleaners" as James jokingly called their profession. " We clean the world for the future generations." , Caroline grinned her green eyes twinkling. "And you Katarina should be the best in this business after our time." She added patting my jet black hair.

I wiped the lone tear I tried so hard to contain. I looked up and puffed a couple of breaths I definitely needed. My husband shouldn't see me like this. I flipped to the next page only to feel a burning rage. I could feel myself pulsate as I welcomed the power I now mastered to control. My babies moved like they were enjoying the surge of power I'm exhibiting.

I was touching a crumpled photo I managed to take before I flee from the burning mansion.
It was my eighteenth birthday. It was lucky I chose to celebrate with just the  three of us that day or there will be more collateral damages if I invited my friends at school.

"Kat, you know the drill. We've trained about this. Caroline whispered as she fixed the gun and handed to me. All the while bullets rained the house.
I just nodded and ran noiselessly to the secret door leading to our lair. But felt a sharp pain on my leg. Shit. I felt numb but awake. Someone dragged me then I saw Caroline, lifeless on the kitchen floor her blood pooled around her. It happened so fast. My heart broke at the sight. "Mom", I tried to shout.

"Hello, Dad. It's me Hunter?" A handsome man that looked like James crouched face to face with him on the couch. " James coughed blood before speaking. I was just putty with eyes watching thing unravel.

" Your mom told me you died. Why are doing this? He whizzed.

"Because of her, and because of her you will die." Hunter pointed at Caroline before swinging his sword across James's neck.

Absolute shock and fury fueled every fibre of my being. The hands that were holding me sizzled causing the man to shriek in surprise before he combusted where he stood.

"She's a fire elemental, let's get out of here!"
" Protect the boss.  I heard they can explode, let's Go!
" Fuck! Ahh help." Two of them burned as I focused the last bit of energy to them.
Bang. Bang. Hunter fired. I fell from my kneeling position.

"Too bad I could have used someone as talented as you."

I smiled sweetly as blood dripped from my mouth and gave him the finger. Before projecting to burn his sinister face with practically the last bit of my soul.

"Ahh! Son of a bitch."

Two more bullets entered my body before I succumbed to what I thought was my death. As I closed my eyes I only regret one thing as the fire ate the house away. I will never get the chance to say how much I love them both.



Hey you guys. Here's a brand new book I started. Inspired from a dream I had. I hope you will enjoy it. More will be added soon.

Thank you.

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