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What if things weren't how they seemed what if amity was never a friend of Luz what if it never happened...

Luz pov

My eyes slowly opening to see the room filled with sunlight it burned my eyes at first and I was forced to close my eyes to adjust a bit.

My body felt weak as my eyes adjusted to the light.

Slowing opening my eyes again I looked around the room as I built up the strength to get up.

My head was pounding as my eyesight was blurry as I bird like creatures keep making sound.

I built up enough strength and stood up staggering a bit trying to get my balance as I walk to my closet opening the closet doors and looking inside for my uniform.

I finally found my uniform for school taking it off it's hanger closing the closet door leaving my room.

I went to the bathroom turning on the shower

It's 2:16 AM I'm not writing her taking a shower and besides if my girlfriend somehow finds this I'll be dead))


After my shower and dried off I put on my clothes, brushed my teeth and used some perfume to freshen myself up a bit.

I walked out the bathroom and downstairs looking around the living room "hungry kid?" Eda asked as I turn to face her in the dining room with a plate of waffles. "No thanks Eda" I said looking at the time "I'm running late I gotta go love you!" I said blowing a kiss to Eda as I rush out the door.

I sprint to school not wanting to be late I can't be late again or it's detention again!


I finally made it to school out of breath I took a moment to myself putting my hands on my knees as I bent over trying to breathe.

"Hey luz" willow said as she came to my side "oh hey willow" I smiled at the one they called half a witch willow.. "where's gus? He's always with you there ain't no willow without gus" I asked "oh he's busy with something illusion track stuff there always up to something" willow explained as I caught my breath and continued on with willow walking up the stairs of school "anything new?" Willow asked "No just me being me and getting bullied" I shook my head crossing my arms as we walked "by who Boscha?" Willow asked "yes and no Boscha does too but lately it's been a new girl that's been bullying me" I explained to willow as we walked through the school "half a witch willow and little no witch luz such idiotic duo" a voice came from behind us as I felt someone flicked the back of my head I turn around to face them

Stood in front of me the one that has bullied me recently.

The green hair witch amity

"Didn't anyone tell you that it's not polite to stare?" Amity said with a grin "of course not but if you are doing it then I'll do it" I told her

"Wow I feel so loved now excuse me your in my way!" Amity said in a threatening tone of voice as she placed her hand on the right side of my chest and pushed me to the ground as she walked past me.

"H-hey!" I turn to see willow getting closer to amity standing up for me "get lost half a witch" amity said "I will not, you don't treat my friend like that!" Willow raised her voice a bit "that thing is your friend? I almost feel bad for you" amity chuckled.

Willow grabbed amity's shoulder and yanked her the two girls face to face looking at each other willows was boiling with anger as I laid there in shock not sure what to do.

"Don't ever touch me again" amity said pushing willow back staggering her but she balanced herself.

"Hey hey hey, both of you calm down don't make me intervene" Boscha said getting in the middle of the two stopping them "make the right choice amity don't fight half a witch it'll be a bad image for you" Boscha said

Boscha went to amity and whispered something in her ear and left as amity stood down and left us.

Amity pov

"and besides I told you specifically not to hurt her" Boscha whispered in my ear as she walked away.

I knew she was right and I stood down and followed Boscha as I followed her to the bathroom.

Boscha looked at me and motioned me to 'come in here' as she went inside the bathroom.

I followed her in closing the door behind me I didn't see Boscha in there.

A hand grabbed my shoulder and yanked me to face Boscha as she pushed me to the wall holding me by my uniform collar.

"I told you time and time to not hurt Willow! I this is the final warning! Don't hurt willow she means something to me!" Boscha yelled at me as she took a step back as she pulled me from the wall to only shove me back Into another wall my cheek was touching the wall as I could feel her breathing down my neck "attack her again and you won't be apart of this group don't fail me again." Boscha scolded me as she dropped me to the floor and walked out leaving me on the ground.

Luz pov

I look up to see willow giving me a hand "cmon" willow said her voice sounded pissed off.

I took her hand and got up "thanks for standing up for me but why did you do that?" I asked "it's the right thing to do you would've done the same wouldn't you?" Willow brought the question back to me "of course I would I've stood up for you many times I just didn't think you were the type to.. how to do I say this?" I said thinking of a way to say that she's "weak you think I can't fight?" Willow answered for me "well something like that I just wouldn't use weak more like.... soft?" I said

"Hey guys sorry I'm late" gus walked up to us as willow glared at him Gus's smile turned into a frown as he took a step back "I uh... I should go r-right?" Gus said "oh look at the time I gotta go bye!" Gus said as he took off.

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