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Amity stood at the place she caught luz many emotions wash over her anger, sadness, grief and pain.

Amity looked down at herself feeling cold she held herself trying to get some warmth as she turned walking away from the place.

She twirled her finger and without saying anything a abomination rises from the ground and walked with amity as they head home.

The abomination reached into his gut and pulled a piece out of himself out and handed it to amity "what am I gonna do this with this?" She asked the abomination looked at her "play" abomination groaned as it looked away and kept walking.

Amity looked down at the goop trying to do as it said and played with it making different things out of it.

A heart She made out of the goop as she formed other things.


Smiley face

The goop in her hand deformed and filled the palm of her hand with it's sludge like appearance.

Amity looked up to the abomination as it grabbed the remaining goop in her hands and put it back in itself.

He her it idk what a abomination is it's just Nickelodeon slime time))

The entire abomination shook with ripples moving around its body as if someone dropped a pebble into water.

The abomination fell to the floor into one big puddle before reforming into a life size replica of Luz.

Amity stood before the abomination anger filled her body "abomination stop" she ordered "I said stop don't ever make yourself look like her don't ever replicate her ever again" amity demanded "no" the abomination said with Luz's voice sounding perfect to the real Luz "why do you have to this? Why now after what she did to me why" amity said as tears fell down her face.

"Love" the abomination said touching amity's chest "what love is left there's none she cheated on me what kind of love is that unworthy love?" Amity said wanting to burst into tears.

The abomination stayed silent aa it turned away and kept walking turning back into its normal self.

Amity followed behind.


Amity opened the door walking in her head was down as she let out a sigh

"Look" the abomination said as it walked in

Amity picked her head up to see Luz sitting down with edric and Emira "look what the cat dragged in.. abomination dragged in? Forget it the jokes sucks" edric said sinking into his seat

"Abomination get her out!" Amity ordered pointing at Luz but the abomination stood still "did you hear me get her out!" Amity yelled at the abomination.

"Now amity what did we say about treated abominations poorly they were your only friend and one point" Emira said "yea that's like ra-" edric was cut of by Emira's hand covering his mouth "don't say it" Emira said

"Amity I know you're mad but please hear me out" luz pleaded as she stood up "I don't want to hear it human!" Amity shouted "yes I understand but please hear me out I didn't want that to happy I was deceived" luz cried out "I'll give you 5 minutes to plead yourself" amity said as the abomination slowly deteriorated and left.

"I was going to your place but I don't know what happened but I seen you in front of me it was you your voice your body everything you took me to that dead end and made out with me" luz said as Edric and Emira giggled

"I swear it was you but when i seen you I looked back to whoever I kissed it was... weird.. that you I thought it was.. was Boscha I didn't know ok please forgive me" luz pleaded "fine" amity said causing both Luz and the siblings shock "I'll forgive you but you have to work to get my trust again.. now get out" amity demanded as Luz nodded and left.

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