False love

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Warning blood and harm is in this story))


Amity walked along the sidewalk sun was setting anger going through her veins she wasn't done no she was far from done

Pain, fear, anger and heartbroken was all she felt each step she took it felt like all those emotions refreshed themselves surrounding her

What pissed her off so much what drove her to all this hate and anger?

One Day before

"Hey amity how about a date tonight just you and me together alone out at the park late at night no one sees us it'll be fuuun" Luz said hanging onto amity's shoulder as the two walked the empty school halls "luz shut it you talk to Loud what if someone heard that I.. wanna keep this a secret just you and me no one knows our love.. but sure you'll pick me up at 12:00 sharp" amity demanded "fine by me" luz smiled "good now hurry to class" amity told luz giving her a kiss on the cheek before leaving to her class.

Luz stood behind with a smile as she turned to walk to her class.


Amity laid on her bed waiting to get picked up by Luz a smile on her face her heart beating faster with the thought of Luz filling her mind and heart.

"Oh luz" amity closed her eyes day dreaming of her human lover

Thinking about what they could be in the future married living their lives in a peaceful place those thoughts made amity smile brightly

More thoughts of proposing washed over her making her heart beat faster and faster.

"She's the one for me" amity told herself opening her eyes and hopping out of bed going to the window and looked around it was already getting late which was the plan for them to leave but negative thoughts swarm amity's mind

What if Luz isn't coming
What if she can't go out
What if she's cheating on me?
What if she doesn't like me anymore

Amity snapped out of it as she was getting way to inpatient.

Amity turned and left her room going downstairs to the door.

It was getting late the sun was about to go down and the dark night will fill the sky.

Leaving the manor amity took off to the town looking around wanting to find her love and go on the date.

A few minutes later before the incident

"Mmh" amity heard a muffled moan from a ally way next to her knowing it wasn't gonna be a pleasant sight she could see she needed to find Luz.

Amity turned to a corner a ally like dead end to find boscha and Luz..

Luz pinned against the wall her facial expressions clearly said she was enjoying it..

Amity's heart broke into pieces at the sight backing up in shock accidentally hitting a trash can knocking it over spilling trash all over

The two girls turned to face the blight Luz's face was in shock as her eyes narrowed down amity.

"Oh don't worry she enjoyed it" Boscha said with a grin

Luz slowly turned to boscha her eyes focused down the girl before letting out a scream breaking free from boscha

Amity still frozen she didn't know what to do.

"Amity I can explain" Luz said reaching out for amity but it was to late amity turned and ran away "amity wait!" Luz called out as she took out after the blight sliding across the ground almost falling trying to keep up with the blight "amity come back!" Luz called out "go away!" Amity yelled as she tipped stuff over to get more time to run but Luz was able to get past the debris and catch up grabbing amity's shoulder to a quick retaliation amity turned fast pulling a pocket knife and slashed Luz's right cheek immediately letting go of her.

Amity ran off leaving Luz frozen in shock as she touched her cheek and looked at her fingers to see blood on the tips "s-she didn't just do that" luz told herself feeling the blood run down from her cheek.

Present day

Amity stood in the place she caught Luz pain filled her heart as she stared blankly at the walls.

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