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I don't feel like the author I once was but that's cool I can have a redemption arc some day))


Me willow and gus are walking down the halls to leave..

"You hear that?" Willow said as her ears perked up "I hear it too" gus said as he looked around "no what is it?" I asked "sounds like crying" willow said as the two followed the sound with me behind them.

I could hear the sound a girl crying as we came closer to the bathrooms.

"Who do you think it is?" Gus asked "no clue" willow responded as we got to the bathroom "gus you coming in?" Willow asked "what no i can't go in there... there's girls in there.." gus whispered "what are you gay?" Willow joked "I am" I said as willow turned to me "you do seem the type to be gay.. it fits you" willow said as she opened the bathroom door and walked in with me following behind her.

The bathroom as dark and it seemed to be empty as we search it.

Willow tapped my shoulder as I turn to her she made me look through a gap in the stall to see amity tucked her legs to her chest crying willow took a couple steps back and I did too "let's leave her" willow whispered"no why should we leave her?" I asked "cause it's amity she bullied you I don't care for her" willow whispered "no I'm helping her... somebody needs to help her" I whispered back as willow shrugged and left leaving me with amity.

I walk back to the stall and knock on it "amity?" I called out "go away" amity said "I'm coming in even if you don't want me too" I said as I open the door to see amity looking up at me tears falling down her cheeks as some makeup got ruined by her tears "what's wrong?" I asked as I knelt down to her level "why do you care?!" Amity yelled at me "calm down I'm here to help ok?" I said as amity gave me a look her face filled with hope "just tell me what's wrong" I said as I got closer to amity as she turned away "why do you want to help me I... made fun of you.. I-...I did terrible things to you why do you want help me?" Amity asked "oh I was pissed off but it's the right thing to do maybe start off fresh as friends" I said as amity looked at me "fine.." amity said with a sniff "I'm Luz" I said as I held out my hand "not that new" amity said slapping my hand away "alright fine but just tell me what's wrong" I said putting my hand on her shoulder for comfort "it's Boscha...s-...she says I can't hurt willow or I can't be apart of her group and she'll beat me up... and.. everything just isn't right" amity cried she was scared

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