Trapped Somewhere

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When you awaken you sit up and look around but the room is dark. No light from anywhere to help you see in the dark so you decide to feel around. You were on a bed you could at least tell that. You decide to give you legs ago and when you do you hear a clunk. You reach to your leg and you can feel a chain around it. It wasn't restricting you from what you could tell but after yanking on it the chain strained. Soon you hear the sound of food steps.

"Hello?" You say hoping there was an explanation for this. Soon your eyes are blinded by light and you cover your face, your eyes squinting in a response. Once your eyes adjust you see Yuri standing in front of you.

"(y/n)... I wish this could have gone better for us..." You hear Yuri say in a very soft and gentle voice to you rubbing her arm.

"Yuri... what happened? What did you do? Why is there a chain around my leg?" You ask her, confused. You move your hands back to the chain wanting to get it off but you realize the only way to get off is with a key.

"I'm doing this for us (y/n) if I hadn't done this you would've left me and gone with Hanzo and I can't..." She stated in a panic but then started to look off as if she were thinking.

"Yuri I wouldn't leave you, you're my friend." You tell her hoping that she would let you go.

"Friend..." Yuri says still staring off into the distance.

"Yuri listen you can still let me go. I won't tell anyone or anything. I'll forget that this even happened." You say slowly getting up. Thankfully she only had the chain on your ankle so she must have trusted you to some degree.

"I'm sorry but until you know that your mines and only for me I-I just can't let you go..." She said finally looking back towards you but moves her eyes to meet yours seeing you weren't on the ground anymore.

It finally hit you. That you were stuck somewhere with Yuri holding you against your will. Hanzo was right even though you really hoped that he wouldn't be. Your mind wanted to rush with thoughts but you wanted to wait till Yuri was gone before you did. Soon you felt a hand touch the side of your face snapping you out of your trance.

"(y/n)..." She says giving you this look. You've seen it before and you didn't want to say no. Gaining her trust is what you really needed. Soon you push your lips against her own. You could tell it slightly caught her off guard but soon she melted into you. First it was surface level but soon you could feel her hands move downward to your waist. You start to suck on her bottom lip, your mind starting to replace the fear and worry with lust. Even it was temporary. You feel her start to push more into your body pushing you backwards. You tried to hold your ground but then the back of your legs bumped the bed. You pulled back from the kiss a trail of saliva following suit. You wipe your mouth and open your eyes to making contact with Yuri's. You can see her eyes are full of lust and her face is flushed.

"Just lay on the bed alright (y/n)?" She says in a low voice and you could feel the wetness growing as you do what you're told. The bed was cold in contrast to the feeling of Yuri's body just seconds ago. You look to see Yuri towering over you as you lay back on your elbows. You think if you should really be doing this but then your pants start to move and see Yuri slowly pulling them down only to leave you in your underwear. She stares at you before moving her hand between your legs. She rubs you through the fabric making you shiver.

"Please don't be such a tease" You say trying your best not to rub your legs together. She then moves your underwear to the side rubbing her thumb over your clit. She moves her face to between your legs replacing her thumb with her tongue. Your breath catching as she pushes two of her fingers inside you as you do so. How could someone bad make you feel so good? You push that though to the side as soon as she starts to move her fingers in and out of you making you whimper out in pleasure.

"I'm close Yuri please don't stop" You begged, feeling your body starting to stiffen. You were just about to cum. But she stops. You look down at her as she's now standing back up. How could she do that to you? But before you can say or do anything you can feel something rubbing over your pussy. It snaps you out of your thoughts and you can now feel Yuri's dick pushing against your clit before she starts to rub it over your pussy as a whole.

"(y/n) I just can't help it..." She grunts to you. You want to respond but the feeling of Yuri slamming her dick inside you. You let out a curse. She grabs onto your hips as she starts to pound deep inside of you. It felt more out of anger than anything but it still felt good. With every thrust you let out a moan and even if you tried you couldn't stop the noises that left your mouth. You felt yourself getting close again and you hoped she wouldn't stop this time. You end up digging your nails into the bed and push into her thrust as you came around her. She doesn't slow down till you feel her starting to throb inside of you. You can feel her shooting her cum inside you and finally starting to slow down.

After she pulls out of you she starts to dress herself and smooth out her clothes before turning back to you.

"I'll be back" She says before heading to the door and leaving out. You want to chase after her and follow her but your legs refuse to move. After coming to your senses you finally sit up. Wishing you could put on different clothes and take a shower you pull up your pants and think about what led you to be here.

Kiss? Something about a kiss? Was that what led her to do this? One small kiss on a cheek and she kidnaps you? That couldn't be it... that's crazy. You look around the room and see it's pretty middle sized. There's the side that you were on that had a bed and a water dispenser. How nice. Other than that the floor was tile but hey there was a little rug next to bed. You look for a way to get out. Sadly there was only one way in and one way out and it was through a white door. Your legs finally being able to stand up on their own you try to walk to the door but the chain on your leg wouldn't let you touch it. Well shit of course it wouldn't be that easy. You go sit and realize maybe you still had your phone. In short of searching you did not have it. Well someone would have to notice you missing. You wish you had listened to Hanzo but you really didn't think the pretty new girl in school would end up drugging and kidnapping you. Nor did you think you'd end up having sex with her but that wasn't the point. You needed a plan. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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