The Morning After

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When you open your eyes again you find yourself with a head pounding headache. Your clothes are on you and you sit up to see no sign of Yuri. You get up and walk towards the door and your legs feel like jello but you assume it was from all the alcohol. You walk downstairs to see bodies of people knocked out or sleeping. Some people are walking around making sure they have their things or taking them from other people. You make your way to the door outside and walk to the car to see Yuri sleeping in the back of the car. You don't know how she ended up there nor do you remember when you left her during the party. You soon open the door and sit in the driver's seat then close the door. As you sit in the seat you realize in the rear view mirror you have a bite mark and a hickey on your neck. You don't remember when or how that happened but long as you had fun last night in the moment... though you didn't remember most of it. You turn to tap Yuri to see if she remembers what happened. You soon notice the purple eyes are slowly opening before they look at you she sits up and stretches.

"Hey Yuri do you remember what I did last night? I hope you didn't drink as much as I did." You say as you start the car just to lower the windows seeing how it felt hot in the car.

"I didn't drink as much but I don't know either..." she says in a strange tone but you guess she did just wake up.

"Well did um do you remember if anyone tried anything with you? None of them guys came after ya did they?" You say resting your head on the seat trying to rid of the headache that was building.

"No I don't think anyone did? I'd think I'd at least remember that..." Yuri doesn't even make eye contact with you and just plays with her hands in her lap.

"Hmmm" you rub the mark against your neck and it hurts a bit but you'll be fine. You wouldn't have done anything with anyone you don't know well...but then again you were drunk so who knows. You would ask but you knew everyone else either didn't tell or were having the same problem you were having with your memory.

"Well I should probably drop you home... are you hungry or anything?" You say as you turn towards the wheel but you look at her through the mirror.

"I'm fine with food thank you" she says as she soon lies on the back seat of the car and just stares at the roof. You move your eyes to the front and start the car as you drive it towards the road and then back into town.

As you made your way along the road you looked back to see Yuri was sleeping on the back seat. You assume that Yuri didn't pass out like you did last night though no matter how hard you try to can't recover the memory from that night. You feel a buzz in your pocket from your phone but you ignore it till you drop Yuri off at home.

You soon pull up in front of Yuri's house and you look back at her seeing her still sleeping soundly. You the. Turn your body and push her shoulder a bit before her eyes open and she looks at you sitting up and stretching her arms hitting the top of your car and rubbing her eyes.

"Well we're at your house I'm sorry I can't remember what I did but I'm sure it was a fun time you had right? Also I realized that I don't have your number and we should text in case anything else comes up or you can remind me not to be late" You laugh as her face cracks a bit if a smile.

"Ah I don't use my phone much but I left it in my house. I can put my number in your phone if you don't mind" Yuri responds with her hand slowly opening up for you to place the phone in.

You pull out your phone and it says you got a message from Hanzo with the message: We need to talk. You didn't know what it could be but you open it ignoring the message for now and putting your phone in Yuri's hand. She soon puts in her number before handing it back to you. When you look it was her name with a wilting flower emoji next to it. It was kinda strange but cute in it's own little way. After that she opens the door and gets out the back of the car. She smiles and waves before making her way into her home. You smile and wave back before pulling away from her house and heading back to your own.

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