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When you finally make it home you pull out your phone and decide to respond to Yuri.

You: Of course I would enjoy coming over during the weekend.

Yuri: Great. Also... what did you do today?

You: I just went to visit a friend today that's all.

Yuri: Oh. Well... can't wait to see you.

You: Of course! I'm glad we get to talk again. I've missed hanging out with you.

With that message you felt yourself getting tired. You head to the bathroom to get ready for bed before flopping over and curling up. You couldn't help but think about what Hanzo said to you. Would Yuri attack him? You decide to play it safe and when you go over you'll take a look around her place. Hopefully you could play it off. You're best friend wouldn't lie would he?



You wake up rubbing your eyes and look at your phone to see what time it is. Almost 12 and you see you got a few weird messages from Hanzo. It was honestly just a punch of random pressed letters. Maybe he sat on his phone or something? You look past it and laugh thinking about how funny that was. You text him back.

You: Hanzo I think you accidentally sent me some letters? Sadly they didn't come in the mail.

You chuckle at yourself for the joke you just made. But today was the day you had to go see Yuri. You were glad that she was feeling better about the whole situation but you also had a mission to see if she was suspicious. You didn't think she would hurt anything but nothing was impossible. You hop in the shower before getting dressed. It seemed like a nice warm day outside so you decided to walk to her house instead of biking or driving.

Once you got to the gate door on the outside you buzzed the button before it clicked open and you walked through. You wondered how Yuri kept the property so nice. The grass was cut and there were a lot of nicely crafted bushes. You snap out of it when you get to the door and Yuri is standing right there. She was wearing a tan sweater and black legging. You wanted to ask how she hid her well... part so well but you decided not to ask.

"Hey Yuri..." You say as she lets you into her house. Still huge like it always was.

"Hey (y/n). Did you eat?" She asks closing the large door behind you and starts to walk somewhere that wasn't her room. You weren't complaining as you also had a curiosity to see more of the house.

"No... haha speaking of it I forgot to eat before I came here." You can't take your eyes off the hall. It was expensive vase's and art. You could see at the end of the hall a huge picture of what seemed to be Yuri and her family. Soon she turns into a room which ends up being the kitchen.

"I can make you something if you like. I wouldn't mind it." She says turning abruptly and making you walk right into her body. You jump back, your face a bit flushed.

"I- yes. I mean sorry. But I mean... I'm not going to turn down free food... you can make me whatever." You look at her, she just smirks in return. She turns back around and goes to get stuff out of the drawers. They seem like they have recently been filled with different kinds of food. You see she was getting ready to make you breakfast type foods and that you did not mind at all.

"You can go look around if you want. I won't hold you in this room and I see how curious you are." She says as she starts to crack a few eggs.

"Oh haha yeah it's just your house is so big." You say but you do end up leaving the kitchen and go back into the hall. You explore the rooms. Nothing too interesting other than all the way in the back there was an indoor pool. You then end up at the big picture of Yuri and her family. Her father seemed like a simple dude. He seemed high class but they all did. You could see that she got a lot of features from her mother. Like her purple hair and her purple eyes. It was most fascinating. Your nose is soon hit with delicious smells coming from the kitchen. Who knew she could cook this was way better than what you do at your own house. You soon make your way back to see on the table some pancakes, waffles, and french toast. Then on the side bacon and eggs. Your mouth watered at the sight of it. You go to sit down at the table at the end of it and Yuri sits across from you. It was a small circle table that was in the kitchen compared to the big dining room that was a room over but you didn't mind at all.

"Thank you for the food! You know you didn't have to make this much." You start to drive into the food and it tastes amazing. You didn't know what to eat first so you started with a little bit of everything.

"I'd do anything for you. So (y/n) you know I care about you dearly." She eyes you looking at you eat everything she gave you.

"Yeah. I know. But that is what makes you such a great friend." Slowing down stuffing your face to look at her. She seemed calm and her normal awkward but caring self.

"You don't want me because of Hanzo... right?" Her voice getting a bit lower.

"N-no! Not at all. You're amazing but it's just school you know?" Now you can feel that something was off. This food was making you feel weird. Tired? You couldn't tell.

"Oh (y/n) you're so nice. But just seeing you kiss him..." You can feel her chair moving back and her standing up.

"Kiss?" You thought about it. Wait how did she know? You try and stand up but your body is nonresponsive.

"There's only so much a girl can take. We'll talk when you wake up." Before you knew it your eyes were getting heavy and before you knew it you slipped into a deep slumber.

(Short chapter but there's going to be smut in the next one. ) 

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