Her House

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It was the end of the school day and you were sitting at your desk trying not to make eye contact with Yuri and trying to pass the day. You realize that you were gonna have school with this girl about everyday. So you turn towards her to find her looking at you but her eyes quickly dart away. You find that strange but you ignore it.

"Hey Yuri I'm sorry about what happened at lunch. I'm just tired and goofed up but I saw you alone and I just wanted to say hey." You say trying not to mumble on and repeat yourself knowing your habits by now.

"Ah it's fine...not a lot of people do that so thanks..." She says not looking at you only glancing at you now and then as she looks at the book in her hands.

"Yeah....um you wanna talk after school or something I can walk with you or something." You say out of nowhere but you know she's new to the town so you might as well show her around.

She finally makes eye contact with you and breaks a smile for a second.

"O-okay yeah let's do it." She agrees and closes her book. She then blushes lightly but your too busy with your mission accomplished to notice.


It was awkward. You lived with your mom while your dad worked across seas and your mom worked late so you could get home whenever you wanted really. You were walking with Yuri and you didn't make much conversation. You were walking her home because it was easy to show her stuff in the area and it wasn't like you had work to do.

"So....why did you transfer here?" You ask trying to start some kind of conversation.
She's quiet for a bit and then responds.

"My parents got a job out here and so we needed to move." She says fixing her bag strap.

"Oh kinda sucks what about your old friends?"

"No one really talks to me...but vise versa"


It was then awkward silence again but you break it.

"Well at least I talked to you."


You and her keep on walking till you make it to this mansion and she turns to you.

"Well thank you for... everything today" Yuri says with a slight smile on her face.

"W-woah...but no problem haha it wasn't a problem" You say looking at the house and the brick wall around it with the gate to get in.

"Do you wanna look inside?" She asked you as she opens the gate and it swings open so smoothly.

You know you just met this girl but you did sense anything bad from her. Then again you have never been in a house so big so why not... right?

"Y-yeah I do actually you wouldn't mind would you?" You ask as she starts to walk through.

"I don't" she speaks as you follow her inside walking towards that big door that lead into the front.

Once she opened it was breathtaking. Everything seemed so new and clean and you could hardly describe it. She tells you to follow her and you do ever so slowly taking in the site of everything. You arrive at her room which seems to be 3 to 4 times bigger than your own back at home and has a wall that's like a bookshelf. You just stand there near the door as she puts her bag in a chair near her computer desk and looks at you.

"You can sit on the bed if you want you've been so nice to me already." She says as take off her sweater and hangs it on a hook on her closet door. You soon put you bag on the floor near the bed and sit down and gosh the bed felt like heaven. You were touching the bed and when you looked up you found Yuri in your face and you jumped back.

"Woah! You scared me there haha... so you live here with your family?" You ask and she takes a seat next to you. Close next to you but you're not touching.

"Yeah but they work all day and night so you probably won't see them." She responds and is looking at what seems like a carpet.

"Oh haha kinda reminds me of my family" you respond as the bed gets to you and you lay back looking at the ice white ceiling.

"Really?" She says sounding interested in what you had to say and seeing you lay down but doesn't say anything about it.

"Yeah my mom comes home late and my dad works across the sea so I only see him two times a year. It's hard." You say as you feel a shift in the bed before you know it and trying to look up Yuri is on top of you and face to face with you. You glanced down in embarrassment and it didn't help that you could see down her shirt at her big boobs. You glance back up cause this was the less embarrassing option.

"Y-yuri are you okay?" You ask confused about what she was doing but before you could move she pushed her lips to yours.

You were confused about what was happening but you kiss her back taking you hand and putting it on the back of her head. However in seconds you feel something pushing against your thigh and you pull back and she looks at you and jumps back blushing all over her face.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to I'm so sorry I just....I think you should go now..." She says looking to the side not making eye contact with you and you see her covering her lap with her hands. You don't really say anything but just grab your stuff and leave walking towards your house.


As you open the door to your house it's dark inside. You turn on the hall light before taking off your shoes and walking towards your room. Before you get there your stomach growls and you realize you hadn't eaten since lunch. You decide to just make some noodles and while you waited everything hit you like a bus. What happened? She kissed you out of the blue. Why? Was it because you called her cute? Not to mention when she was kissing you felt something poking your thigh. You sit there wondering what that could be.

"Haha" you laugh to yourself as you get the hot water from the stove and pour it into the noodle cup. You'll ask about it tomorrow but if Yuri didn't wanna talk about it then you'll forget it.


It was awkward during homeroom when you sat at your desk to see Yuri was there pretty early. She didn't make much eye contact with you.

"Hey y/n can I talk with you at lunch on the roof." She says in a low voice so where only you can hear it.

"Y-yeah sure" you say in response and as you do Yuri seems to go back to what she was doing before. Reading. You wonder what she would say you'd only met her yesterday so you had no clue what she was truly like. Ugh why was life so difficult.


It was lunchtime and you grabbed an apple as you weren't in the food to eat and were more nervous as you made your way upstairs to the roof of the school. You open the door and you see Yuri looking over the town from the roof. You really didn't want to disturb her but she's up here for a reason and you knew that reason was because of yesterday. You put your apple off to the side and you walk over to her.

"Yuri?" You speak out as you are about a foot or two behind her.

She turns to you the sun bring out her purple eyes and she sighs.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I don't know what I happened I blanked and ended up kissing you I'm really sorry" Yuri says blushing her eyes looking off in the distance clouds.

"Haha oh I mean no hard feelings... but I do have a question." You ask thinking to yourself if you should even bring this up.

"About what?" She says finally looking at you with a tense look on her face.

"W-when you kissed me...I felt...I felt something pushing against my leg what was...that?" You ask looking at her with confusion and when you speak of it you see the tint of red on her face turned beet red.

"Ah...that...um...that is my d-dick." She says with her hand starting to squeeze her arm.

"Wait so you're a guy?" You ask with an even more confused face.

"No no I was born like this. I'm a girl but I have a fully functional penis." Yuri says her breathing seeming to get a bit uneven.

"Oh. That's...cool" You say not really knowing how to process this. You don't think any less of her but you've never heard of this before and you couldn't help but be curious but you didn't let more questions exit your mouth.

"We should eat don't you think lunch is almost over."

"Yeah let us do that."

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