The Beginning

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Yuri stood looking at the school from the outside remembering this was the fourth school she had to be transferred too. She sighed and looked around at the empty school grounds wanting to make her family proud.


You were walking to your class when you heard the commotion of people talking in the halls. You ,knowing a lot of the people there, go to one of them and hear them talking about a new girl that's be transferred to the school.

"Hey (f/n) did you hear about the new girl that's been transferred?" One of the girls says.

"I heard she's really pretty" One of the guys says before being elbowed by someone else in the group that was talking.

"I heard she keeps to herself" Another girl says as she leans against a wall.

"Hey. I heard that she's been having to move school to school because of mysterious murders going on wherever she goes. Maybe she's cursed. I think we should stay away from her." Selina one of the biggest gossip girls in the whole school says. She's one of the hottest girls in the school and for some reason people listen to her despite knowing her title.

"Hmm. Maybe your jealous cause she might be even hotter than you?" Jake says from behind her. They're on and off all the time and he tries his best to piss her off...but she loves it.

"As if Jake you just wanna get your dick wet with any new girl. Remember the freshmen incident." Selina remarks laughing behind her hand as she walks away.

"Hey! I'd never touch a freshman!" He says running after her.

You watch the whole thing and roll your eyes and at how ridiculous they are. You soon wave goodbye to the rest of the group as you make your way towards class.


You walk into the homeroom and head to the back of the class to sit. You put your head on the table as you wait for school to start. You sit up when you hear your teacher began to talk.

"As you may or may not know we have a new student joining us and she's gonna introduce herself." Ms.Lion says as a girl walks into class.

She has long purple hair and purple eyes. She's tall and has an introverted vibe about her. You look at her and wonder why would someone like her have to transfer schools.

"H-hi my name is Yuri and I'm going to be a Senior starting today. I look forward to..." ,she dazes off like she's thinking what to say but continues, "... the rest of the year with you." She says before being told to have a seat. She takes a seat next to you but she doesn't make eye contact she just keeps her eyes focus to the front of the class. Her eyes not moving at all like she's in a different world.


It was lunch time and you hadn't done much with your day. It was the same normal day talking to your friends.

"Hey (y/n) how do ya feel having the new girl I'm your homeroom?" Your best friend Hanzo says. He's been your friend since middle school and he's had a crush on you for a while but you had to turn him down. He and you still were friends and he understood your decision.

"Um she's fine I guess I haven't really you know... talked to her." You say poking at the food on your plate.

"I mean you're supposed to know everyone am I right?" He laughs elbowing you and you roll your eyes.

"Shut up I'm just... friendly and I feel like no one should know the feeling that no one is gonna listen to them and care." You say and he looks at you with a smirk on his face.

"And you wonder why I like you" you hear him mubble.

"Eeeeh what did you say?" You ask wondering if he speak a little louder.

"I said that you should talk to her seeing that's she's sitting alone over there" he mentions as he points with his eyes and you follow to see Yuri sitting by herself reading a book rather than eating.

"Don't you think she's busy doing something?" You says keeping your eyes on her.

"Pshhh naaa it's still the first week of school we don't get real work till next week go say something! I have to go to class early to help a teacher out I'd be sad to leave you all alone." He says leaning his head on your shoulder.

"Haha you really think I'd feel alone without you. Fine I'll go talk to her." You start to get up almost letting his head fall onto the table.

"Have fun hopefully she's nice" He says picking himself up and turning to get up and walk out of the lunchroom.

You stand at the table getting ready to walk over. You try to calm down not wanting to fuck up and starts to walk on over. She didn't even notice you coming her face in a book with a black cover on it.

"Hello? Yuri was it?" You say standing in front of her across the table.

She doesn't look up from her book and you guess she's really into it. You know she's new but a simple poke wouldn't hurt right? So you walk over to the other side of the table and poked her shoulder which causes her to jump and closes her book and look straight at you.

"Sorry about that I just wanted to say Hey" you say as you back a step away and put your hands behind your back.

"Oh. Hello." She says resting her book down and adjusting herself and looking put off about what to say.

"So um how's your day been so far and do you mind if I sit here with you?" You say looking at her and move to the side wondering if you fucked up already.

"It's been fine and no I don't mind at all." She says looking at you as you walk around the table to take a seat in front of her.

"Um.... what's your book about?" You ask feeling the awkward vibes arise as your hands start to play with each other.

"Well I don't think you'd be interested in things like this but it's more of a darker book." She says glancing at the book before back at you.

"Ah...I mean I'm pretty open minded so I don't think I'd mind." You say looking at her more and see she's a really pretty girl. You end up shaking you head to end the thoughts that were floating around your mind because you were not dating anyone because it's the last year of school and you were trying to make it count. Once your done you see Yuri looking at you with a bit of a confused face.

"S-sorry about that it just happens. I was just thinking about how pretty you are you know?" You say without even thinking and you see a light red starting to color her face.

"AH! Sorry I didn't mean to say that I mean I did but like in a friend way I mean I know we just met I mean never mind lunch is about to end i-i'll see you in homeroom okay?" You say getting up wondering why you were so bad with talking today. You do it all the time why was it so hard now? Well everyone makes mistakes so hopefully everything should be fine.You walk out of the lunch room leaving a confused but amused Yuri behind.

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