The Attack

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Hanzo was walking back home shaking his head as he could wipe the memory of you and Yuri naked in bed together. He knew what he saw and that he'd never take drugs at least in that moment. Sure he was a little drunk too that night but he knows what he saw. It was still bright out so he saw there was no problem in walking down an alley to get to his house quickly. He turned and walked but something felt off about it. Mid way he turned his head behind him and he just saw an empty alleyway behind him. He shrugged it off and kept walking but before he knew it he felt a big pain over his head as he was knocked to the ground. His vision was blurry and his ears were ringing. He could hear a slight laugh as he felt his body being dragged deeper into the alley. He would try and scream for help but his voice was stuck in his throat from the shock of the situation. He soon feels his body being leaned up against a wall and there seemed to be a lot more darkness than before then he realized he was blindfolded.

"You know I don't like people that try to interfere with my plans especially people like yourself." A voice says to him and he can't seem to put a finger on it. He wanted to speak but something was in his mouth blocking him from talking.

"You didn't tell her what you saw and I guess I can give that to you but saying we're too close? Big mistake don't you think? I need her to trust me." The voice says rather close to his ear making him shiver in fear. Soon everything is quiet before he hears the sound of metal scraping the ground and pushing on his leg.

"I can't let you go unpunished but it won't be as bad as it could've been. I need my girl to be happy until she can part with you of course" within seconds of those words being said an immense amount of pain surges through his leg in the sound of crushing bones rang in his ears. He felt his eyes tearing up as his voice tried to find freedom but it didn't. He had never been so filled with anger and confusion. His brain was struggling to keep up with all of this. Why did this stranger play the pronoun game? Her? Who is her? All of his was running through his mind when it clicked and when it did he felt a tear running down his face. Her was (y/n) and the person doing this had to be Yuri or someone working for her? Her voice sounded off not like what he heard before. His leg was in so much pain he couldn't focus anymore and soon passed out from the shock of the attack on his leg.


You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing and you wonder who it could be this late at night. You grab your phone off the dresser and look at the contact. Ms.Shimada. This was Hanzo's mom who was also kinda like your mom but with more wealth. Still strange for her to be calling you not to mention it was 3 in the morning. You swipe on the answer button.

"(y/n)! I'm sorry for calling so late but have you seen Hanzo? He's normally at home by now but if he's gonna stay out late he normally calls can I can't help but worry. Have you seen him? Is he with you?" Ms.Shimada asked, her voice full of worry.

"Sorry Ms.Shimada but I haven't seen him since this three in the afternoon yesterday" You say sleep laying it thick on your voice.

"Did he tell you he was going anywhere?"

"No I could only assume that he was gonna just go home." You responded, your eyes.

"Well...Thank you for answering (y/n) when you can. Can you please call him or text him and see if he answers you? Goodnight dear."

"Don't worry I will and Night Ms.Shimada" You soon hear the other side of the call beep and your phone goes back to its home screen.


You wake up stretching in your bed wondering if Hanzo had been found. You grab your phone and see you got a message from Ms.Shimada.

Ms.Shimada: Hanzo is home but spent the night in the hospital. Apparently he was attacked.

You stare at the message with shock in your body. Attacked? Why? How? Maybe if i went with him this wouldn't have happened. Your mind racing with questions before closing it and going to text Yuri. You looked at the screen wanting to text her something for comfort but maybe you should keep it to yourself at least for now.

You get out of bed and go to the bathroom, getting ready and head over to his house. After your quick shower you throw on your hoodie and some shorts before getting your bike and riding to his home which was about 45 minutes away but you didn't care you mind wondering how this even happened.

Once there you put the bike on the side of their porch and knocked on the door. Soon Ms.Shimada opens the door and smiles.

"Oh (y/n) you came over. I would've prepared food if I had known but Hanzo is upstairs in his room." She says to you as you say thank you before heading upstairs to Hanzo's room. Once you get there you knock and walk in and see him lying on his bed his legs in cast and his arms too. Whoever had attacked him fucked him up really good. You walk over and you stand over him.

"Hanzo?" You say as you and his eyes are still closed he looked like he was sleeping.

"Ah he's been sleeping for a while. They gave him pain meds but it makes him sleep a lot. He probably won't be in school for a week but hopefully they'll find who did this to him." You hear Ms.Shimada say from the door frame.

"I wish I could've been there for him. Maybe if I was there this wouldn't have happened" You say to her still looking at him sleeping in his bed.

"Ah don't beat yourself up okay? I wouldn't want you to be attacked like this too. I just wanna know why and who would do this. This looked personal." She says to you walking over to the edge of the bed.

"I don't know anyone who doesn't like him. He's so nice and is a big people pleaser. I just can't believe this... I need to go. I don't think I can handle looking at this." You say trying not to cry as you start to walk towards the door.

"Well if you hear anything please let me know. Lock the bottom lock on your way out. I'll get the other later." Ms.Shimada says looking down at her son.

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