ch. 2 I'm clueless

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Kakashi had agreed to the assignment of caring for Naruto. Although admittedly, he didn't know a whole lot about babies. The child was all alone just like he was.

Sarutobi sensei then handed me a small child, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and 3 scratch marks on each cheek. Next, he showed me how to cradle him properly, and hold his neck so it doesn't snap. 'He looks just like you Minato sensei.' I thought.

I left, holding the small child in my arms, being careful not to walk to fast or shake too much. Sensei said that his baby stuff would be dropped off at somepoint during the day, along with his schedule. 'He's a baby, he's not going anywhere, why would he need a schedule?' I asked myself.

I arrived at my door within a few minutes. "Home sweet home." I mumbled.

As I entered Naruto began to wake, making a bit of a fuss.

"Hey, kid, quiet down." I said. But he just cried louder.

I picked him up the way I had seen mothers hold a crying child against their shoulder, as I gently patted his back. He began to fall asleep again.

I slowly walked down the hall, placing my keys on the table, and found a comfortable place to sit. I nodded off a bit, but was still half awake.

After awhile I thought I heard knocking at some point, but I was too tired to care. I didn't sleep very well anymore, so I was always tired.

The door opened. "Yoo hoo....number one rival! Sensei told me to drop all this stuff off for you, it's awful heavy, what's in here anyw-" his voice stopped suddenly, noticing me nearly asleep, with a child in my arms.

I lifted my head. "Oh. It's you." I said coldly to Gai.

"Uh, yeah, but who is that? Did you get yourself a kid? Where's the lady?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows, and looking around. He looked like an idiot.

"There is no lady." I said. "This is Minato and Kushina's child."

"Ohhhh. The one with the demon fox." He said.

"Oh right. We're not supposed to talk about that." Gai added, covering his mouth.

"So are you like a babysitter now?" Gai asked curiously.

"Does this not look like babysitting to you?" I asked annoyed.

"Good point my friend." Gai stated.

"Can you please try to keep your voice down?" I whispered harshly.

"Ooh right, sorry about that Kakashi."

"So does that mean you'll go on less dangerous missions from now on?" Gai asked hopefully.

I sighed. "I don't know. Now can you please leave?" I asked impatiently.

"Sure thing." Gai said. "Sorry to have been a bother." He closed the door.

I let out a breath. Finally, some peace and a quiet. Suddenly, Gai appeared at my open window, scarring the crap out of me.

He whisper shouted,"Call me if you need anything."

"Yeah, yeah." I replied, while closing the curtains.

I glanced down at the peacefully sleeping Naruto. I felt a bit of sympathy towards him since he would never meet his parents.

'He's kinda...cute.' I thought. 'Babies are so warm, this kid is radiating heat like crazy.'
I smiled, for the first time in a while.

Why not me? (A Naruto Raised By Kakashi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now