Ch. 5

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I sulked for the rest of the day. I didn't know what to do with the kid, but there was a baby carrier strap on thing, so he could be on me at all times. Except I have to be careful not to lean back, or else I'll crush him.

Over the next few days, I struggled to sleep during the night, and stay awake during the day. Of course this had always been a problem for me, but watching a kid just made it that much more difficult.

But most of all, I was missing the thrill of nearly being killed at every moment of the day. Now every day was much slower, more boring, I just wished that this mission would be exhausted quickly so I could die on the next mission, if I was lucky.

I would just kill myself, but it seems it would be easier and more honorable to die by someone else's hands rather than my own. It's not like anyone is dependent on me anymore. It's not like someone will be waiting for me when I return.

Although, I did have a similar job a while back when Kushina was pregnant. I guarded her for nine months under Minato sensei's orders.

Gai's pov.

I was on a mission with my teammates, Genma and Ebisu.

We were on our way back to the hidden leaf, when we hit a tea shop

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We were on our way back to the hidden leaf, when we hit a tea shop.

"Hey, let's stop here for a while." I suggested.  Both members of my team agreed fairly quickly.

We ordered our food and drink, but then sat around awkwardly, which tends to happen a lot when I'm with people for some reason.
'This is uncomfortable and weird.' I thought to myself. 'How could I start talking, without making it more awkward talking about myself.?' Hmmmm...........

Oh I got it! I'll just talk about Kakashi, he's good gossip.

"Hey have you guys heard about Kakashi's latest mission?" I asked with my brightest smile. I've been working on making my smile brighter. Hopefully it will gleam so brightly that people will have to look away when they face me!!!!

"I heard he's stuck as a nanny or something." Ebisu said plainly.

"Wait, really?" Genma asked, surprised.

"I wouldn't call him a nanny, but he's been put on active guard duty over the 4th's kid." I explained.

They both looked at me. They didn't say anything, just looked.

A few seconds later

"Huh. That's odd." Genma stated.

"You'd think that the 3rd wouldn't be so careless." He added.

I was puzzled. What did he mean? Kakashi was the best in our year, of course he would be suited to the most honorable position of guarding the 4th's kid.

"What do you mean by that Genma?" I asked, tension rising in my voice.

Genma sighed. "Are you really that clueless? Kakashi isn't fit to be left alone with a child. He's practically suicidal, and depressed all the time. I'd guess that he's also mentally unstable." He added.

I was shocked. How could I not know these things. I guess he's always been secluded, and cutting himself off, but all this other luggage just seems excessive.

"I mean it's understandable, after all he's been through, but I think it's careless for him to be a caretaker." Ebisu added, agreeing with the previous statement.

Our food arrived, and that was the end of the discussion. We ate in silence for the most part, other than a few brief encounters with the salt.

I decided after that, I will go visit Kakashi and make him cheerful again!! It's my new mission!

Why not me? (A Naruto Raised By Kakashi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now