₊˚ʚ⚔️ɞ : A Fresh start | 1/10꒷꒥꒷

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11/15/2021 - updating chapters due to cringe

3/8/2022 g finally gave the kingdom a name and a forest a name: Dewdrop kingdom and Ambersky forest

"Lev! give me my sword back!"

a child cried out.

"sorry, yaku-san! but you'll have to catch me first in order to gain it back!"

another child giggled, while the other being frustrated.

The child leaped on to the other, and gained the sword back.

"Lev, didnt i tell you NOT to steal my stuff? how am i supposed to be those cool looking slayers without a weapon?"

a child pouted.

"Im sorry...i just wanted to play since..you dont really play with me anymore.."

".....fine. how about we play a game of tag? then we'll get back to training."
The other's eyes lit up instantly.

"Sure, also whats that?" the child pointed at a direction.

"huh?" the other looked that way in confusion. "HAH! TAG!" The other booped yaku's back. "WHY YOU LITTLE-"


After years of training, they finally got accepted into the world filled with monsters.
Yaku woke up due to a text from lev. (i also somehow messed the text up in the first line, so yuh deal with it)


11/15/2021 7 am

Yaku-san!: no i didn't, i just woke up. so i need to get ready before we go.
11/15/2021 7:01 am

Oh, alright! i'll be at your door waiting for you! :Lev.

11/15/2021 7:01 AM


Yaku got up from bed, and changed his clothes. he took his sword and went down stairs.
"Oh, yaku! your friend is waiting for you outside and breakfast is done, you cant go on an adventure without a full stomach!" yaku's mom giggled.

"Thanks mom," yaku said, and ate the waffles.

once he was done, he got up from his seat and waved a goodbye to his mother.

"alright, let's go."

"Finally, took you long enough!, now lets get going, its not that far away from here, so we could just walk to there." lev pointed at a direction.

"Alright." yaku nodded, and the both were walking to the village, their first destination to becoming an expert.


Lev seemed bored while on the walk, so he decided to hold yaku's hand randomly.

"wh- lev? why are you holding my hand?" yaku asked, being concerned blushing a little bit.
while yaku on the outside was being concerned, his mind was a mess. you know what im talking about here.

"Oh nothing, i just felt bored while were going to the place"
"lev, it's literally 20 minutes away."

Lev and Yaku had finally arrived at the town, there were many people in there, too.
they went to the signing up board and went in after signing up.

"woah, so this is the place! it seems so...lively!" lev was amazed.
Yaku was too, the town looked great and all, but then...

someone bumped into them.
"WATCH IT, NEWBIES." Yaku turned around to see a red haired girl, with red armour, a crown and 2 long pig tails. it was almost as if the crowd shivered in fear. as if they were terrified of her.
"DONT YOU KNOW HOW TO MO-" "Alexa, enough. mom's gonna yell at us for fighting another newbie." said another voice.

said a voice from behind.
The crowd was whispering.
"it's the triplet knights!" "what are they doing here? aren't they supposed to hunt down things underwater?" "i don't know, they might have came back for a visit in such a long time."

"psh..whatever. sorry about that, newbies. the names Alexa, as you've heard. youngest of the family, they always say to not mess with me, because either their scared to fight me, or too low leveled." the knight laughed for a moment.

"Sorry about my sister's outburst, she does that all the time, you could say that she has anger issues. im Alex, by the way! middle child." the silver haired knight greeted herself.

"soo.. where's the third one? your triplet's, right?" Yaku questioned the two.

"Oh! Alice is busy with commisions at the moment, she's the eldest and is the most respected here. you could say that she "gets all of the men" " the silver haired knight chuckled to herself.

"Right, now we have to go. we have to start our first mission.. lev, le- lev?" When yaku turned around, he saw no one there. "great... mind if you two help me find this idiot?"


Alexa and Alex found Lev, and gave both Yaku and Lev tours of the place, they offered helping yaku and lev on their first mission, and Yaku greatly accepted, as lev was also excited.

After they were done, they were very much tired. well except for the 2 knights with them because they have done this before when newbies needed help completing the first level, so they were used to it now.

"Now that you both are done with the first mission, you can get a room in that hotel there. dont worry they have 2 beds unless you two are more than friends." Alexa laughed

"Wh- were just friend's, sorry". Yaku said calmly.

hearing Yaku say that just broke Lev's heart, well he just got friendzoned and you have a crush on the person who said it, what do you expect.

"mhm sure... well.. its almost night so, farewell for now!" As the silver haired knight and the red haired knight waved goodbye to them, they walked back to their kingdom.

"Well.. that was tiring. let's go to the hotel, yeah?" Yaku looked up at lev. Lev nodded back as a response.

Once they got to the hotel and got a room, Yaku and Lev changed into their pajama's and plopped down onto their bed's.
the beds were really soft, Lev actually fell asleep because of it.

Yaku on the other hand, couldn't sleep. the thing that Alexa said to them kept repeating in his head.
'are we really just friends?' he asked himself. he turned to the other side of the bed he was laying on, and grabbed the photo of them when they were younger. oh he missed the good days.

He missed when they always played hide and seek together, he missed how lev would always take his sword.

'were all growing up too fast, huh?' he thought before putting the photos back on the drawer. he then closed the lamp's lights, tucked himself in and slept peacefully.


yeah boys im back on wattpad BABYYYYYYYYY

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