₊˚ʚ⚔️ɞ : Training | 2/10꒷꒥꒷

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Yaku woke up to people chatting outside of their hotel, a normal day isn't it?
Unlike yaku, lev was still asleep. he didn't want to wake his 'friend' up, and so he changed into his clothes and grabbed his 2 swords, to train of course.

Yaku went out of the hotel and went onto the fields of this strange world that they had just entered yesterday.
he went to kill the wild wolves who would always attack people whenever someone tries to go near it.

After all of that work, he turned onto level 6, and went on to complete his other missions to gain more exp.

Annd at this point Lev woke up and was *cough cough* 'saddend' *cough cough* because Yaku didn't wake them up or wait for them, i feel sorry for Yaku for dealing with this tall idiot that he somehow loves.

And so, Yaku had to return so that lev can have the same level as him, nothing really interesting happened when they were training. WELL they did come into a problem.

"Yaku do you know where we are?" questioned the tall boy, worried. "I know where were going, were not going to get lost of something." reassured the shorter one, except he doesnt ACTUALLY know where they were going.

it was getting dark and cold, {place name] was known to be cold when night has arrived, and to top it all off, they didnt pack any food.

"Great. we're lost. we'll probably just die of hunger or something hunts us down." Yaku says, giving up and laying down near a tree. Lev didn't know what to do, well they were in the wild and had no food plus hes a dumb### what do you expect

Lev had given up after a few minutes and sat near Yaku, feeling defeated.

well until they got found by one of the knights
"Hey, you two. dont you know that its dangerous to stay outside?" a female voice spoke. Yaku and lev looked up and saw a woman wearing a royal robe, in which they have a teal glowing scythe. the woman also had long black hair, and brown eyes.

"Are you lost? i could get you to the hotel at our town." the woman lended out her hand.
"Actually, we were just training and we got lost in the forest, we stay at that hotel you speak of, and we could really use some food right now." Yaku explained to the girl.

"I see.. well i do have some berries. the name's Alice by the way. child of the queen and king. you could say that im the eldest among my sisters. people mostly call me the Glorious reaper, the cute reaper, but those names just done fit me, so just call me Alice, 'kay?" the girl introduced themselves.

Lev was amazed. "Ohhh, so YOU'RE the eldest sister! when we entered the town, we were greeted by Alexa and Alex." Lev giggled.
"hmm. well, here are your berries. while i take you to the hotel, you could eat those on the way."
Yaku and Lev nodded, and followed Alice back to the hotel.

Lev, Yaku, and Alice were talking about how Alexa bumped into them and Alex calming them down, At one point Lev asked why their name all started with A's, and Alice honestly couldn't answer that for she doesnt know too. possibly because their mother didnt have any more ideas on what to name them, who knows.

~At the town~

"---and that's how i met this tall idiot that somehow became my friend." Yaku was talking to alice about how he met Lev, "Heeeeyy that's mean :(" Lev responded, while Alice laughed.
"Well, We're at the town now. you should get in the hotel and have a good night rest."

Yaku and lev nodded, and waved goodbye to alice.

Yaku and lev went back into their room and slept

You thought that this was gonna be a short chapter huh
not on my watch i see you, James and denisse.

Yaku and lev were suddenly woken up by the sounds of screaming. they look out their window to see houses burning, and innocent people rushing to the Castle, as Alex ordered.
Alexa looked at the hotel window and saw Yaku and lev.

"You two! get to the castle, were under attack! its best to hide there, since theres a forcefield that keeps beings away from crushing it!"
Alexa pointed at the castle and attacked the monster with her blades.

Lev was scared, so he quickly changed into his clothes and ran to the castle without thinking.
While Yaku, left deep in his thoughts.
Yaku's mind couldn't process this.
only 1 day in, and an attack has happened. great.
He looked at the 3 sisters who looked tired, and very damaged. though, the monster looked much weaker. it seems like their HP has been decreased to 100.

Yaku wanted to help in some way, he didn't want to see this town and its guardians burn a fiery death. he grabbed his 2 swords, changed and stepped in the fight.

(dont ask me why i made it look like an entire anime lmao)

"Dude, you should just g-" Before Alice could finish her sentance Yaku had attacked the monster, draining 99% of its HP. "huh. guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover." Alexa was very impressed.

"Alright, lets finish this off." Alice looked at her 2 sisters and nodded.
you know what im not writing what happened you would already know what happened if you read too much anime books, i dont even read anime books or watch anime that much so yeah

After the fight, all Yaku got was rewards, Praises, and a grand dinner that he very much enjoyed. Lev was also impressed that his best friend actually fought a monster THAT large.
he wanted to confess to him, but he's too busy. perhaps you can try cocnfessing to him about your feelings later, bad luck might i say.

While at the dinner, lev left early. he had 'bussines' to take care of.

Lev went to his and Yaku's hotel room, and plopped down onto his bed.
While laying down on the oh so comfy bed, he began to wonder.
"does he even like me?" "am i really good enough for him?" "what if he says no."

Those thoughts repeated in his head. he didn't notice that Yaku had entered the room. "Yo, lev! Y-...Are you okay?" He questioned.

"oh...! yeah! im fine. no need to worry about me or anything, haha!..." Lev knew that he was lyingm and he really had hoped that that lie actually worked. Yaku raised his eyebrow and shrugged it off.

"Well, reminder to put your magic staff in the closet and change into your pajamas next time you decide to fall asleep." Yaku already had gotten in his pajamas and layed down on his bed. "...lev?" he looked at the other, whose already asleep, due to a long day and night.

Yaku smiled at his best friend, he then closed the lights, tucked himself in, and peacefully slept.

pov: your updating your old haikyuu book and your not really interested in haikyuu that much anymore but still decided to update this

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