₊˚ʚ⚔️ɞ : Love is in the air ! | 7/10꒷꒥꒷

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Heyyy, Valentine's day special lol


It was valentine's day, everything in the kingdom was decorated with hearts, the shops were selling chocolate hearts and cutesy stuff.
While all of that is happening, Lev is struggling to think of what he's gonna get yaku for valentine's day.

"AGGGHGH!!!! Alex please help me on this one, should I get him a bouquet of roses or a teddy bear? OR CHOCOLATES?" Lev panicked. " Calm down, tall guy. maybe you should just get him both?" Alex suggested.

"...I'm an Idiot I should have thought of that." Lev facepalmed. "You, indeed, are an Idiot. NOW IM GONNA GO I'VE GOTTA GO TO MY HEALING SESSION"

Alex said before running off to the place where she usually heals people. I sighed and looked at the stores. "Well, here's goes nothing I guess."

* ringing *

"Hi, welcome to Chai Tea store! currently we're having a valentine's day event, and we're selling new valentines day flavoured tea's and items! Have fun buying the things you like." The shop keeper said.

' well, it's not too hard on finding the items I need.. I can clearly see them at the valentine's day special section over there. '

* After Lev got the stuff *

" This will be 120$. oh, and also who are you buying these for? Perhaps a certain someone?" The shopkeeper asked.

" A friend. " Lev says before he hands over 120$. " Ah, I see. Well, have a good valentine's day then." The shop keeper waved at me and I left their shop.

As I was searching where Yaku was, I spotted him talking to Alexa. I took a deep breath and walked over.

"So as I was saying- oh, hey Tall dude, who are those for? Maybe me? Just kidding." Alexa greeted me."I uhh... Actually wanted to give these to Yaku."

Alexa smirked and looked over to Yaku who had a small tint of red on his face. "oh..well thanks, Lev." Yaku took the items and placed them on a table. Alexa then whispered in my ear, "dude, you aren't even gonna ask him out?" "Oh shut up." "I'm gonna say it. "Don't." "YO YAKU LEV WANTS YOU TO BE HIS VALENTINE"

aw jeez.
"ALEXA!" I Whisper-yelled. I looked over to Yaku who was completely frozen. "uhhh... You okay dude? You look like a tomato..." Alexa was concerned. " noimfinetrustme " yaku said with a high pitched voice.

we all laughed at that, "man, I'm jealous that you guys have a relationship and I don't." Alexa says. " Oh please, we're just friends 'Lexa." I said. "Yeah... We are just friends." Yaku almost sounded disappointed.

"mhm... Sure." Alexa said, doubting what Yaku and Lev says. I mean come on it is too OBVIOUS THAT LEV LIKES YAKU AND-- *cut*

"Yo, Lev are you free at 8? Like, 8 pm?" Alexa asked Lev. "Hm? Oh, yeah I am." Alexa nodded. " And you too Yaku, are you free as well?" Alexa turned to Yaku. "oh, uh yeah. I am." "Good, you passed the valentine's day check your both invited to the valentine's day ball." Alexa smirked. "ACTUALLY everyone in this town is invited, Alexa." Alex came in just to say that, and left.

"...did she just?" Yaku looked at me, "yeah she did." I sighed. "do we have to buy clothes for the ball?" I groaned, since we didn't really have any fancy clothes.

"my designing skills are rising" Alexa said with stars in her eyes. Oh boy, does she want to make clothes for us? Man, I feel like that's going to go too wrong."trust me, I've made outfits before."

"I'm not too sure about tha-" "hold on, let me take your sizes real quick" (not that kind of sizes lmao remember the old fashioned way where people measure people their own? Yeah that's what I meant.)

His lost love| YakuLev - LevYakuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant