₊˚ʚ⚔️ɞ : Royal Adventure! | 9/10꒷꒥꒷

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Oh boy, one more chapter to go and it's gonna be the end of this book, is anyone else HYPED?


I woke up in my bed to find a note on my chest, I read it very well and listened to it in detail.

" It is I, koi. If you are Lev, please do the following to enter my universe. First, point your hand at a wall, then, open your palm. Then, say the magic word: UNI52689. The portal to my universe shall be opened. You can, indeed invite your friends to this small laboratory that I live in. To re-do this portal, this time, close your palm and it will be absorbed in your arm. Do not worry, there are no toxins in it and you'll be fine. If you. Wish to re open it again, do the same thing. I'll meet you in my universe soon, Lev haiba."

- Koi

I was excited, I can invite my friends to Koi's universe! And they were all so curious to see what it was like as well.
I ran outside of my room to the towns restaurant to find Yaku, Alice, Alex, And Alexa.
"Oh, hey Lev!" Yaku greeted. " Sooo... Remember when I went into this portal to get the items back? " All of them nodded curiously.

"Well, for some reason when I woke up I found this note on my chest and it was a tutorial on how I can enter that world again! And you guys can come too!" I said excitingly.

"Very well, I will order the guards to look after the kingdom while we are gone. *GUARDS! PLEASE TAKE CARE OF THE KINGDOM WHILE ME AND MY FRIENDS ARE GONE!*...alright, we're ready to go." Alice yelled before she was ready.

"Sure, but it must be somewhere that no one can find us." We all thought for awhile, until Yaku got an idea. "Oh, maybe Sakura spring Veils? no one rarely goes there anymore, so why not go there?" We all nodded in agreement.

-at Sakura spring veils-

"Alright, now I have to recite spell." I reached out my hand and opened my palm. "UNI52689." After that, the ground shook and a portal was then revealed.

"Sweet! Let's go!" Alexa jumped in first. "ALEXA DONT BE SO RECKLESS!" Alex then jumped in. "Those 2 idiots." Alice rolled her eyes and the. Jumped in. Me and Yaku jumped in at the same time and we felt like we were being transported to space!

After that, I saw the ground and we falled down and piled up on each other. "Oof, but damn, this is the place you were talking about? So cool!" I could see stars in Alexa's eyes. "Lev haiba and friends I have been expecting you all to come here eventually. For the new ones, welcome to my universe." Koi showed up.

" Ah, hello, Koi! Nice to see you again! You see this was the guy who stole our items to use it for good. " I greeted koi then whispered to the others. ' ohh ' "may I give you a tour of the lab?" We all nodded and koi opened the gates to the lab. In a distance, i saw the same robots drinking oil and  chatting. Koi must have noticed that I was looking at them so he decided to tell us what that part of the lab was.

"That, is mainly the cafeteria.mostly known as the garden by employees who work at this lab." Koi pointed at the place, some robots seemed to notice that we were guests so they waved at us. "Hi Lev! Nice to see you again!" One waved at me, I smiled. We entered the main part of the lab "this is the lobby. That over there is a extra charger."

We then walked to a hall with sinks on it, then a room with engineer Martha and that same doctor. "Engineer 's workshop." Martha seemed to be working on a robot so I tried to not bother, but she noticed me. "Oh, hi Lev!" I waved at her, and continued walking.

"This is the testing room, mostly where Yang was caught." Alexa raised a brow because she didn't know who yang was yet. The others too. " Ah forgive me, Yang is one of my close friends, and he has a brother named Yin too. " 'ooohhh okay.' we then walked down further and there was a small garden like chilling place.

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