₊˚ʚ⚔️ɞ : Misunderstandings | 3/10꒷꒥꒷

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Lev was in a panic. he was lost, in a maze filled with roses. he felt as if he was too much of a disappointment and got thrown into this endless maze filled with beautiful, calming roses.
the roses' petals each held a story of one person. it showed their destiny.

Those which had sad ones, those which had happy ones. those who were...questionable.
Lev had felt like he had been running for hours straight.

Lev reached a table, he peeked through the tall rose bushes, and his eyes couldn't believe it, a figure with long hair was flirting with his Best friend, who was also bragging about her money. Yaku's face looked as if he was impressed.

They talked and talked... They talked about their lives, Their parents, and even at one point in which lev heard the following words: "Oh, you have to deal with an idiot too? pfft. how can you even deal with such an annoying person like him?" the girl laughed.

Lev's blood was boiling. he wanted to kill that girl so bad, that he lost control.
He recited a spell, that would instantly kill the person they want to be dead.
He said it too loud and Yaku heard the spell.

Screams can be heard throughout the maze. blood was spilling. The worried shorter man rushed to catch the woman who was about to fall to the ground (I misspelled it here because it said fall to the fall 😔)


"i-i didn't mean to i swear!" the mage said in worry, the roses began to wilt. those two words were repeating, the atmosphere deepened.

Just about to cry, he was then woken up by a voice.

"yo, dumb###. Yaku was wondering if you were asleep or not. my only question is why were you crying." Lev looked up to see a familiar face, it was Alexa. "Oh.. ms Alexa. Don't worry, it's nothing." Alexa raised an Eyebrow, clearly thinking that this is quite suspicious.

"...Alright? well, go to the training station. Yaku is waiting for you." Alexa pointed out of the window and left the room. i sighed and changed my clothes, I went to a nearby cafeteria and bought a sandwich.  

I went to the Training station and spotted Yaku sitting near a tree log, I ran there and sat on the tree log with yaku. "Hey, so... Did you just have a nightmare? when I woke up I wanted to make sure you were doing well, and you didn't look quite...fine." Yaku questioned, in worry.

"hm. it's nothing that you need to worry about." I reassured Yaku.
Yaku was still quite worried and hugged me, seriously thought I could feel my face burning, I felt like I was the literal sun! anyways, he let go after a while and looked away, as if he was embarrassed.

"we will NOT talk about that," Yaku said, I chuckled. "But seriously, Are you okay?" Yaku questioned again. "It's nothing. it's just a stupid nightmare, pff it didn't even make me cry!" I lied, really hoping that lie work.

"Lev. I'm gonna strangle you if you don't tell me what happened." Yaku looked at me as if he was serious. i sighed. "fine, fine. I'll tell you."
"Well...i was in this hedge maze with roses on the walls. each rose petal has a story of a person when you look in it. i ran in the maze for a while and I spotted you and another girl talking trash about me, and I just sorta... lost control. i accidentally killed her with a spell, and you called me a monster, and i just felt hurt. in summary, i just didn't want to see you leave me. like, abandoning me for another person."

Yaku just stared at me, i knew that he would just say that we would leave me for a person, but no i was wrong haha- "Lev I'm gonna slap you for this one, i will NEVER leave you for a person, that's just stupid. and if anyone hurts you, i will make sure to give them hell. and you aren't a monster, your a beautiful human being. don't think that i like you in that way, oh and here's your slap" "A- i deserved that-" i giggled, 

His lost love| YakuLev - LevYakuWhere stories live. Discover now