01 - Balcony

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Bucky threw open the door of a little Chinese bar, leaving a woman he had previously been on an awkward date with stunned and confused. He rushed out of the door and walked straight into me. He didn't so much as glance my way but still apologised.

"Excuse me, sir... I think you dropped this-" When in reality, I had pick-pocketed him. I held up a leather-bound book which seemed to have great significance to him as he lunged for it. I held it in my grasp firmly and twisted on my heel, making him stumble in confusion.

"Give. it. back." He growled in a warning tone of voice.

"Hmm... Maybe... Orrrr... Maybe not? Who's to say you can even catch me with those slippery gloves of yours on...?" I taunt him, stepping back, one at a time.

"Look, I don't mean you any harm, I just want my book back. Okay?" He warns again, this time trying to quell his rage.

"Hmm... Catch me if you can, Mr. Gingerbread Man! -" And with that, I took off down the streets and the man came running after me, he was fast. Dang. But I didn't need to be faster. I used some tricks and would stop suddenly or turn and turn again, I knew how to outrun the predator until I was no longer prey but the apex.

It didn't take me long to have made my mark, literally. I ran round the corner, leaving Bucky's book on top of a dustbin in the middle of the grimy street alone. I had disappeared.

Bucky went to the book but first made sure this wasn't a trap. He found there was a folded, yellow handkerchief cushioning the book against the dirtied bin, which he was thankful for. He pocketed his book and left the handkerchief. But unbeknownst to him, the piece of fabric floated to him and wrapped the book in his pocket.

Bucky left to do whatever it is Bucky does on a night like this and I found my way back to my dilapidated apartment where all my plants grow as tall as the ceiling and some even trail out of vents and cover the walls like a quilt of vines.


After shamelessly falling asleep on the stairs, I wake up with my everything aching and feel a thrumming vibration going throughout my body and pulsing from my palms. You shot up without much thought and by instinct you packed a bag and ran out the door.

You soon came to an air force base and clambered swiftly into a plane. You hid behind a crate of stuff and waited until the passengers had left, via mid-air.

I watch as the guy you met last night, Bucky, jumped out with- "OH MY GOSH, YOU'VE GOT A METAL ARM?! THAT'S WICKED!" I practically yell, giving away my position, immediately.

"Wait, what?! Why are you here-" Bucky sent an accusatory glare and point my way but had already jumped out of the plane so he didn't get an answer.

"Yeah, why are you on the plane?! Who are you? Civilians shouldn't be on here! Are there any more of you? -" The other guy asked.

"Oh hunny, there no one else like me!... and don't worry, I'm not staying. I'm on a mission of my own, ciao!" I wink at him and run to the air lock, jumping out and the guy calls after me, scared for my safety. He quickly calls to Bucky and Falcon about me and how I JUMPED out of A FLYING PLANE with NO parachute.

Bucky rolls his eyes and Falcon says he's on it. Except when he goes to get me, I fall through a cloud and then somehow disappear. He looks everywhere, using his special tech but not signs of me, whatsoever.

Suddenly Bucky gets a scare as you step out from behind a tree and say, "Hey sir, you miss me?"

Bucky startled aback, telling Falcon through the commlink that I am safe and with him. Falcon doesn't understand but accepts it.

TFATWS Zemo x MentallyDisturbed!OCx BuckyWhere stories live. Discover now