04 - Pop Your Hip Out, You Slag

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So, we are in a lab in the back of a makeshift metal box. I feel funny... Something is wrong about this place.  

"L.... You alright?" Sam asked with a worried expression.

  "I'm gonna barf..." I held my stomach and ran out of the container box thing.

Sam and the others turned to watch as I ran back the way we came.

Bucky looked to Sam and nodded. 

On my way out I took one of Zemo's Turkish Delight from his pocket, he noticed my action but let me, watching as I left with it in hand. His brows pull together and he turns back to the scientist.

"L! Need a little help!-" Sharon screamed to me and I look up. Air filling my lungs.

I nod to her in understanding as a guy comes round with a knife.

Bad idea.

I burp then upchuck more stuff onto the floor in front of the guy. He looked disgusted and my barf becomes some kind of gloopy monster, it was like acid and black as pitch. The acidic creature came to life and to my protection. 

The guy stumbled back and I point to him. My acid barf.. Monster stretches to him and burns him, he screams in agony and I use my powers to whip the acidic thing around at other bad guys and gals. 

Sharon was in a tight spot and I threw Gloopy at the bad guy cornering her, his face melts and Sharon thanks me, also stares at it like, 'holy shet'.

A big explosion and then our boys are running out. Zemo splits off in another direction. Bucky and Sam, Sharon and I head elsewhere, out the way of the shower of bullets.

An array of bullets were headed my way but Gloopy stretched out like a sheet and melted the bullets before they could reach me.

"What is that thang?" Sam asked me, eyeing the black substance.

  "HE is called Gloopy. He's my barf." I say, my words coming out prouder than they should have come off as.

"Right.." Sharon replied. Sam just nodded with a hidden repulse to his features.

  "Bucky!" I call to him. "You need some help?" He was getting shot. He and Sam were back to screaming at one another.

"LUNATTA CERIPHILIUS!" I chant and suddenly from Bucky's pocket his book enwrapped with my handkerchief flew out, a bright light and fabricated wings shred into the atmosphere, like a shield only for him, bullets bounce from L.C's wings. 

Bucky stares up at the angel creature made of cloth and then to me, I wink at him and another explosion sounds. A man stands with a purple mask on, the fluffy collared coat gave him away, "ah, Zemo you grape nutter!" I smile widely up at him, a small twinkle to my iris.

My powers were kinda drained but Gloopy was there to protect me, not to mention all the memories that had b been flooding back to me, how I killed those people..I am trained in hand-to-hand combat after all.

Zemo was fighting some of the bounty hunters, I ran to help him. He was doing great on his own but he was alone while the others had one another. 

I disappear through Space-Time and appear behind him, we stand with fierce mischief riddling our figures, back-to-back.

We nod to one another, he gives me a boost and I jump up and onto a guys shoulders, I stab a gun into his eye and shoot, blood splatting against my clothing. I cackle maniacally and I see Zemo form a grin under his mask. He shoots a guy and when a bullet almost hits him Gloopy stretches in front of his chest. Zemo nods to the acidic bile formed monster then back at me. His eyes were curious.

TFATWS Zemo x MentallyDisturbed!OCx BuckyWhere stories live. Discover now