11 - T.remendously V.isualised A.ss

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As I stood to head indoors, of which Bucky had previously done, I heard a crackling like fire, but not as vivid. I turned to see a yellow box appear, it wasn't exactly a box though, it seemed hollow like a window but door-sized. I curiously went towards it, only a few steps. 
  "Hey, Zee, Bucky... you ever seen anything like this before?" I called but before they could reach me I was suddenly hit round the back of the head by something heavy. 

"Elsie?... Elle??? Oh my God- HEY! Who are you! Bucky, Zemo, T'challa, need a little help over here!" Sam yelled, he had seen them - the people in almost police uniforms.
"What's going on..." Zemo trailed off upon seeing them too.

But before they could even strike, something on their little pad things of gold was turned and time was forced backwards, Sam, Bucky and Zemo were back in the room they were before, oblivious... But T'challa's surveillance footage filmed the scene, Shuri, being wise as she was sent the footage to the only person she knew would use it correctly, Dr Strange.
And then, like that, everything was deleted on the timeline.

"You caught one of them? Good... Wipe them." Said an authoritative voice. 
I growl under my breath and my eye peels open, I see someone else who is held in the clutches of the uniformed people from the yellow box... Where am I? 
"Yes ma'am!" Saluted the uniformed woman holding me up.
  "Nngg what in the world are you going to do with me?" I snarl.
"Quiet Variant!" Ordered the uniformed woman holding me.
  "Don't tell me what to do!" I swiped my hand and a little yellow spark slid between my fingers, I was finding it hard to even create that much of my magic, what the hell is stopping me!? There's a collar around my neck, I bet it's that... Frick.
"H-hold it, officer, take her to my office, I have to speak to the Keepers..." Said that authoritative voice again, I could see a bleary version of the woman, she seemed stuck up.
"Of course, ma'am." Saluted she again.
  "Make your mind up, I'm getting weaker here..." I growl.
"Silence! Variant!" 
  "I have a name!" I roared, breaking from her grip and pressing my hands together until sparks of yellow, green, red and black, my eyes going a grey-black as I scream and a few light bulbs smash overhead. More people in uniforms came to 'contain' me and I fell to the floor, weakly struggling against their strong grips.

  "D-don't TOUCH ME!" I yell but get sedated.

TFATWS Zemo x MentallyDisturbed!OCx BuckyWhere stories live. Discover now