09 - I Hate To Tell You This On A Sunday...

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"You are not dead, draga, it was a close call though... If not for James using the spell you taught him, you may not be here.." 
  "Z..Zemo?" I ask, my eyes opening to see Zemo on the edge of my bed, there's hospital equipment hooked up to me but we are not in the hospital. "Where are we?" I ask, puzzledly.
"We are somewhere safe, liebling~" He coos into my ear.
  "I.. I thought you had been taken by the Wakandans..." I recall with confusion.
"Yes, I was.." As if on cue, the doors open like sliding ones at the mall and I try to focus my vision. A man in a kingly robes and African beads enters with a girl beside him who has cool bone necklaces and bracelets on.

"Hello. I am glad you are awake. Elsie Cothromaíocht, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is T'challa and this is my sister, Shuri." He paused as his sister gave him a lazy punch on the arm and said, 
 "Hey, brother, I wanted to introduce myself!!-" She whined and I fake a giggle. Zemo gives me the side-eye.
"Sorry.. Anyway. White Wolf took you here, a favour if you will.. He asked because of the infringement of your safety and thankfully, we were able to get to you just in time.. I had no idea how dangerous Dr Strange could be.. He was on our side in the great battle.. but I suppose that means very little now..." T'challa trails off in a glum train of thought. "Well, make yourself at home, Sam and Bucky will be here soon. Zemo, keep her safe." He told the Sokovian as an order. Zemo nodded, he knew not to mess with the people of Wakanda, meaning all his tricks would mean nothing here.


  "So, you're under the influence of Pink Panther now, huh?" I tease Zemo.
"Ha, yes, I suppose you can say that I am.. Elsie.. I want to speak with you... Before everything gets serious with Sam and James.." Zemo pauses, wanting me to consent to it, first.
  "Of course.. go on." I answer. Zemo nods.
"Are you alright?" Zemo asked.
  "Well.. that caught me off guard.. Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I ask.
"No.. you're lying again.. Elsie.. please, do not lie.." Zemo said. "I know something is wrong, please, it is only you and I-"
  "Now that's where you're lying, there are cameras in here, I can sense the frequencies." I say. Arms crossing over my chest.
"I.. I did not know there were... Please... You hurt yourself, Elsie, I only want to help-"
  "Don't say that.. you're lying to yourself now! Hahah!" I laugh it off.
"Elsie. Stop. Please. You're hurting yourself by ignoring the pain-" Zemo tried to reason. But I am too stubborn.

The doors open to reveal Sam and Bucky.

Sam makes a beeline for me and hugs me. Bucky awkwardly waddles forwards but doesn't hug me, just stands there like a lemon.

"Elsie, oh my god, gurl, are you okay?" Sam asked, with no seriousness in his voice but a hint of kindness.
  "Yeah, I'm fine, hands hurt a little but we're all good! Haha, how are you guys?" I ask, bright eyed.
"We're annoyed and concerned for you. For Christ's sake. Tell us how you are really!" Bucky seemed to break, he just roared, demanding answers.
  "Hypocrite!" I say. "Seriously! When are you guys going to stop suggesting that I am unstable!?" I bark with controlled anger.
"When you start acting like someone that is STABLE!... Or at least someone who wants to be alive!" Bucky snaps back.
  "Oh shut it! Like you know the meaning of stable!" I snap back, Sam gives me a look saying I should watch my tongue. I ignore him. "You were a killing machine for fuck's sake!" I growl.
"That's in the past!" Bucky grumbles.
  "Now can we stop talking about this?!" I ask impatiently.
"Why?" Sam asked.
I shot him a look, "Because I'm stable and not suicidal and if you think I am... Then.. You're wrong!"
"What happened last week when you made a portal into the sea?" Sam pressed, Zemo's brows furrowing.
  "I almost drowned, you think I did that for kicks?" I say with ease, shrugging.
"You're careless with your life.." Zemo muttered. I bite my tongue, rage boiling within me.
"You're not slitting your wrists, but you're careless." Sam told me. I look away, Zemo tries to take my hand in his to gain my attention but I slide my hand out from his. 
  "So what if I am?!" I growl.
"It's probably because your parents told you you were a waste of space on this planet..." Zemo started, wisely.
Tears gather in my eyes.
"...And the problem is, you believed them." Bucky ended.
  "I know! Okay.. I know. And one of these days, if I'm not careful I'll die because of it.." I admit to them. A heavy sigh comes from each of them.
"Elsie.. Who hurt you?" Sam asked with concern in his voice.
  "Uncle.. He.. did.. As did Stephen.. he used me like a puppet.. And I hate him for it... They.. They made me afraid of all other men.. being in a room with you guys, my friends, I am always so afraid.." I admit with tears falling from my eyes. "But.. It's okay.. I'm fine, I've dealt with it my whole life.."
"No.. You're not fine. And that's okay.. What isn't okay is when you isolate yourself from people who want to help you and suppress all your pain..." Sam told me. But I was doing my best not to listen.

TFATWS Zemo x MentallyDisturbed!OCx BuckyWhere stories live. Discover now