05 - Wakanda This Forever~

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(A/N: Let's pretend there's a Piano in Zemo's palace, it looks like he should own one, you know?)

Lunnata Ceriphilius had given me a view of what or who Bucky met up with on his walk, it was Ayo from Wakanda. I heard their conversation and started planning ahead. It was certain Ayo would get what she wanted. And Zemo was who she wanted... wanted to kill, to make pay, to have revenge for Wakanda's former king. 
But I would not let that happen. Zemo may have murdered their King... But he is changing, my master was wrong. I am capable of changing those who have wronged, I can do it, whether they believe me or not.

Bucky returns to Zemo's temporary estate. Sam is seated at a kitchen top on a stool, Zemo walks though in only a robe, wiping his face of water as he had just come out of the bathroom. And I am on a sofa, upside-down with my hair flowing freely to the carpeted floor.
  "Hey, Sam, you know High School Musical.. What's that song about being together?" I ask him and he turns to face me and puzzledly thinks then starts singing,
"What? We're all in this together?... That one?" 
  "Yeah, that's the one!" 

A confused Bucky stares at me and is about to speak when I sing in the same tune, "Wakanda this forever.." 

Bucky tilts his head and narrows his eyes and says, "How did you know?"
  "I have friends in low places" I point to his pocket. Sam obviously thinks dirtily, thinking I was pointing to his cock -_-

"Anyway... The Wakandans are here. They're looking for Zemo, but I bought us a little time."
"Were you followed?" Sam asked.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I know when I'm being followed."
"It was sweet of you to defend me, at least-" Zemo chimes, already knowing he's not cared for.
"Hey, you shut it, no-one's defending you. You killed Nagel." Sam said Nagel's name a little louder for emphasis.
"Do we really have to litigate what may, or may not have happened?-" Zemo pleaded but with a lazy tone of voice.
"There's nothing to litigate, you straight shot the man!" Sam said, growing a tone of incredulousness. 

"Sam, Karli bombed a-" Bucky started a conversation with Sam, back on track about the problem at hand. 

  "Who's Nagel again?" I nudged Zemo and his eyebrow rose in question.
"The scientist in that place that made you create Gloopy." Zemo answered in the same hushed tone I was using, only his voice was more seductive than mine.
  "Ahh, slug boy..." I repeat.
Zemo nods, doing the tilt of his head trying to understand my comeuppance chosen name.

Zemo returns to the boy's conversation while I check them out and sit down with a pencil, rubber and paper. I'm quite bored so I sketch Zemo looking smug, Sam looking so done with Zemo and Bucky looking like a grumpy cat... I then draw Bucky as The Grumpy Cat and make a note to photoshop that later.

"Well, maybe we should give him up to the Wakandans right now..." Bucky lethargically swished his arm in the general direction of Zemo.
"And you would give up your tourguide?" Zemo asked, looking in a cupboard and bringing out a tin of Turkish Delight, he turns to me and throws one, I catch it and thank him.
"Yes." Bucky answers easily.
Zemo nods in frustrated understanding and raises his brows for a moment.

"So, when I was a kid, my Titi passed away.." Sam started.
Bucky sat down and lifted his head with obvious confusion and slight annoyance. "Your.. TT?" He repeated incredulously.
"Yeah, ma Titi." Sam parroted back.

I head over to Zemo and scooped a hand round his thin robe hanging over his neck and stroked soft circles into the bare skin of his neck and chest. He smiled in response, chewing on more Turkish Delight. He popped another into his mouth and this time I bit the other half from his mouth, retracted my hand and left, dawdling back over to the sofas; leaving a stunned and excited Zemo in my wake.

TFATWS Zemo x MentallyDisturbed!OCx BuckyWhere stories live. Discover now