Emmy To The Rescue

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A/N: Contains a cinnamon roll who gets upset from negative comments. And a bunch of d*cks being d*cks. Anybody with such triggers, you're not alone and others may be going through the same thing and you are loved and worth it. Enjoy.

Daveed woke up and yawned. He saw his adorable gf Emmy on his other side, sleeping peacefully. He then looked on his phone, it was the premiere of Snowpiercer's second season.


He then saw the amount of comments he got on his Instagram post about the premiere. Literally 2.


He looked and saw the two comments. But...they weren't nice.

"Why bother watching this show? All of this guy's stuff is stupid and its all about fighting and violence.", the first comment said.

"I never liked his works. It all felt like a waste of time watching. First Hamilton, then Wonder, then Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and now another piece of trash. This man should go to h*ll."

The rapper was obviously shocked at what he was reading. Unfortunately, he has a problem in which he would take in the negative things said to him.

It all started in high school. Oh, did the memories start to flood into the man.

"Out of the way, you stupid Jew!!", one kid said, pushing him out of the way.

Daveed would shake it off until it got worse. People, even his teachers, started to call him slurs. It got too much to where he would get triggers and develop anxiety attacks.

In the present, Daveed's hands were shaking and his phone fell. He ran into the tiny room that he has under the staircase. He woukd usually go their to relax and relieve his stress, but now, he used this to hide.

He felt so anxious, his chest began to hurt. And then his whole body hurt. And then came the tears. He slammed his fist on the wall and screamed, and eventually sobbed.

Emmy was already awoken by the noise. She got up and ran downstairs, and she found her boyfriend in his tiny area, crying and hugging himself.

She opened the thin glass door and walked into the room. She knew what was going on so all she did was hug him.

"Don't listen to those idiots, Dav. They're just being d*cks."

"But its true!! Everything I've done was a complete disaster!!"

Then, Emmy slapped him across his face. Something she felt insanely bad about.

"DAVEED DANIELE DIGGS!! You are the best thing that's ever happened!! Nothing you've done was never a disaster. Look at you!! You went from broke to rich. Unpopular to freaking celebrity!! Now, I am sorry I hit you but it was to help you snap out of it! Look at all the adoring fans you have!! Do you know how much fan mail you have?? You have the Hamilton cast, your family, your friends, and me to help you. Don't forget that, okay, sweetie?", Emmy explained, placing a peck on his cheek.

He nodded and wiped his tears. As Emmy walked away, all the man could think of was

Dayum...what did I do to deserve a woman like her? Thanks Em.

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